Wednesday, October 30, 2019
The Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination Research Paper
The Impact of Prejudice and Discrimination - Research Paper Example prejudgment or wrong perceptions and a tendency to generalize everyone belonging to that particular group as having a personal trait, characteristic, behavior, or feature that is indicative of the minority group. People can sometimes be blind to the truth even if actual observation belies their mis-perceptions due to a consistent refusal to see that some people can be very different from what they make them out to be in real life. Slavery in America during its early years is a good example of how prejudice or discrimination can have long-lasting consequences if perpetrated by a larger group. Racism arising from ignorance, bias, prejudice, and discrimination results in exclusion of a minority group from the political, economic, and social spheres of society. Its effects usually are negative especially if racism is committed systematically and embedded in the psyche of the general population which in turn helps to perpetuate the wrong ideas and wrong perceptions of a minority group such that it becomes almost a permanent feature of a society, carried from one generation to the next generation. Its ill effects can be felt or seen in lower incomes for the group and exclusion from opportunities usually accorded to members of the general population. Biased treatment of minority groups also reflect badly on the whole society because it is indicative of its own intolerance and inflexibility towards other people who many not share the same beliefs. There were cases in the past in which discrimination was well documented because it was made official policy and there are also recent cases in which discrimination is not so blatant or overt but still results in the systematic exclusion of a minority group. All cases have negative impacts on the minority people discriminated against. It is the aim of this brief paper to discuss one event of discrimination and prejudice in the past and then discuss a more recent similar event in contemporary times. Both events (past and
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Discuss The Human Impact On Oceans
Discuss The Human Impact On Oceans Humans can have an abnormal and a massive impact on oceans all over the world. Oceans around the world are becoming more and more tarnished due to these impacts caused by humans. Evidence shows that human activities are altering ocean ecosystems beyond their natural state. These human activities are harming the oceans capacity to provide food, protect homes for the marine life, maintain clean water, and recover from environmental stresses like severe storms. A recent study has mapped the total human impact on the seas for the first time, and has revealed that the picture is far worse than imagined. Forty percent of the worlds oceans have been heavily affected by human activities, including fishing, coastal development and pollution. The most severely affected areas are in the North Sea, South and East China Seas, Caribbean, Mediterranean, Red Sea, the Gulf, the Bering Sea, the East Coast of North America and the Western Pacific. All of this is due to human activities. Oceans An ocean is a body of saline water that composes a large part of a planets hydrosphere. The word sea is often used interchangeably with ocean, but strictly speaking a sea is a body of saline water partly or fully enclosed by land. Because the ocean is accounted for being more than 70% of the Earths surface, it is therefore divided into different parts: (In descending order) Pacific Ocean Atlantic Ocean Indian Ocean Antarctic Ocean Arctic Ocean Because the ocean is the principal component of Earths hydrosphere, the world ocean is essential to all known life. It also forms part of the carbon cycle, and influences climate and weather patterns. The total volume of the ocean is approximately 1.3 billion cubic kilometres or 310 million cubic miles with an average depth of 3,682 metres or 12,080 ft. It is also the habitat of 230,000 known species, however much of the oceans depths remain unexplored and it is estimated that over two million marine species may exist. This just proves how vast and important the ocean is. It is a shame that we humans do so much harm to our oceans, knowing how important and essential it is to us and other living things that require its attention. Importance of the Ocean Throughout history humans have been directly and indirectly influenced by the oceans. Ocean waters serve as a source of food and valuable minerals, as a huge base for commercial manners, and provide a place for both recreation and waste disposal. Gradually, people are turning to the oceans for their food supply either by direct consumption or indirectly by harvesting fish that is then processed for livestock feed. It has been estimated that as much as 10% of human protein intake comes from the oceans. Nevertheless, the food-producing potential of the oceans is only partially recognized. Other biological products of the oceans are also commercially used. For example, pearls taken from oysters are used in jewelry, and shells and coral have been widely used as a source of building material. All living things would not be able to live on this planet without the oceans. Oceans help moderate the climate by keeping it cooler in summer and warmer in winter. The oceans provide a vast surface area for water to evaporate, thus putting moisture in the atmosphere so that precipitation may occur. The ocean is the best place where evaporation takes place. The ocean is a large body of water, which makes it so convenient for evaporation to take place. Most of the rain comes from water evaporated from the oceans. No plants or animals, including humans could survive without rain. Sadly, a lot of plants all over the world get little to no water, causing them to die. Therefore they may only be able to depend on the rain for necessary reasons. And we humans need plants for the oxygen and other gases that they give off in order for us to stay alive. So if plants die, then we as humans die along with other living things. Thats just two of the very major things where there couldnt even be life without oceans. There is a lot more, like where would all the fish come from to feed billions of people who depend on seafood to survive if there were no oceans? In which fish would be a huge priority for people who not only feed on fish, but also fishermen who sell fish as a job in order to survive. Ocean water is processed to extract commercially valuable minerals such as salt, bromine, and magnesium. Although nearly 60 valuable chemical elements have been found dissolved in ocean water, most are in such dilute concentrations that the extraction of the minerals found in ocean water isnt profitable. Ocean water is also refined to produce freshwater. The oceans also have become more important for recreational use, as each year progresses, more people are attracted to the sports of swimming, fishing, scuba diving, boat racing, and waterskiing, just to name a few. Ocean pollution in the meantime, has escalated dramatically as those who use the oceans for recreational and commercial purposes, as well as those who live nearby, have disposed of more and more wastes there. Human Impacts on Oceans Humans have had a huge impact on the ocean. In fact, evidence of humans can be found all over the oceans, even in the most remote polar areas, in the form of floating trash. Humans are the main cause of pollution of the ocean. Washington Post published that Human activities are affecting every square mile of the worlds oceans, according to a study by a team of American, British and Canadian researchers who mapped the severity of the effects from pole to pole. Some factors included warming ocean temperatures because of greenhouse gas emissions, nutrient runoff and fishing. The areas that are under the most stress due to human activities are the North and Norwegian seas, South and East China seas, Eastern Caribbean, North American eastern seaboard, Mediterranean, Persian Gulf, Bering Sea, and the waters around Sri Lanka. Some marine ecosystems are under severe pressure like sea mounts, mangrove swamps, sea grass and coral reefs. Almost half of all coral reefs experience medium high to very high impacts from humans. Large and small contributing factors significantly pollute both inland and coastal waters by dumping their raw sewage. Accidental oil spills or flushed tankers and offshore rigs (900,000 metric tons annually), tarnishes beaches and harms bird, fish, and plant life. Humans dump a lot of waste in the ocean such as trash, sewage, oil, chemicals, heat, and even noise just to name a few. As the human population increases on the Earth, these sources of pollution increase. Small amounts of pollution do not harm the ocean ecosystems. In fact, sometimes the dumping of food waste in the ocean can increase the productivity of an area by supplying an additional food source for the marine animals. But, this is always altering the natural state and usually becomes destructive in the long run. Here are some of the impacts on the ocean that humans cause: Oil spills- Oil floats on the surface of the ocean, so when oil spills occur, the oil tends to end up on the shore where it negatively impacts coastal wildlife and humans. It can hurt wildlife by mashing down bird feathers, sticking to fish gills, disrupting breeding, and by poisoning animals and plants. Humans are affected when beaches are closed and seafood cannot be harvested. Once an oil spill occurs, chemicals may be used to diffuse the oil, but these chemicals may also be toxic to marine life. To clean up a spill with minimum impact to the environment, bioremediation may be used. In this process, nitrogen and phosphorous-rich fertilizers are added to the contaminated beaches to stimulate the growth of bacteria that supposedly eats away the oil. Sewage and trash- Trash is one of the most, if not, the most widespread pollutants that are caused by humans. Beaches all over the world become littered with the trash produced by mankind. Much of which is disposed of at sea and then floats all over the world in the ocean currents. Everywhere in the world, there are trash and sewage being dumped into the ocean. Sewage acts as a fertilizer and can be responsible for toxic plankton. Another possible effect caused by sewage is detoxification. Detoxification kills marine life because there is not enough oxygen in the water to breathe. Sewage may also lead to diseases and unhealthy chemicals like heavy metals and other pollutants into coastal waters. Although the ocean is good at ridding itself of pollutants by chemical processes and dilution, as coastal populations grow, so do the human impacts on the marine environment. Storm drain and River run-off- These impacts begin far away from the coast. This impact has a lot of pollutants that eventually finds its way to the ocean. Pollutants like a Styrofoam cup, oil and gasoline, soap from washing cars, a candy wrapper, and old smoked cigarettes are some examples of storm drain and river run-off. Fertilizers, soap, and organic wastes will increase plankton and bacteria levels in the ocean the same way sewage does. Oil and gasoline are toxic in both freshwater and saltwater. A sewer plant may become overloaded with sewage and may be unable to treat it. This may happen during rain storms if the rain water is directed into storm drains that go to the sewer plant. Because of this many cities now have storm drains that take the runoff water directly to the ocean which can be another problem if the water is contaminated Watersheds- Watersheds can sometimes build up sewage, usually due to improper septic systems or people using the watershed as an outdoor outhouse. When it begins to rain, these watersheds are flushed into the ocean and extremely high levels of human sewage contaminate the ocean. Thermal pollution- Thermal pollution is a byproduct of the oceans use as a cooling agent. The cool ocean water taken in is released at a higher temperature. Although the temperature of release is usually controlled by laws, and is not such a threat as the other forms of pollution are, one could imagine what it would be like if more and more plants began using ocean water as a coolant. Conclusion Humans are definitely a massive impact on the ocean. We as humans really benefit from the ocean, but we still are harming it in so many ways. Without the ocean, there would be dire consequences not just for humans, but for all living things that depend on it.. Humans along with other living things would not be able to live on this planet without the ocean, and I dont think the planet would be able to carry on for long if there were no ocean. The ocean is beginning to change along with planet Earth. The way the humans are impacting the ocean is very dangerous and is safe to nothing that lives in it. The dumping of sewage and trash and other pollutants in the ocean is tarnishing and killing the marine life and the purity of the ocean. Earths global ocean is the largest confirmed surface ocean on all observable planets. This comes down to the fact that it takes up more than half of the earths surface; therefore it is the most important part of the earth. And we as humans need to take care of it, in terms of its state of cleanliness. Because without the ocean, everything on the earth will perish.
Friday, October 25, 2019
Increasing Student Participation in College Organizations :: Business
Increasing Student Participation in College Organizations Student participation in the annual Business Society Haunted House is essential for the future of this great event. Penn State DuBois has nearly one thousand students attending classes, but on average only fifteen students volunteer their time each night over the five-day period. This presents a problem for the Business Society. If student participation continues to decrease, this event will only be a memory. During our search for possible solutions to this problem, we used several research tactics. These tactics included distributing a student survey on campus, conducting personal interviews with the co-advisors and officers to the Business Society, and also with students who were involved in past years. We also researched journal articles and made contact with department heads to show the significance of student involvement in on campus activities. If students are aware of their ability to be involved in the Haunted House, they are more likely to participate. One way to accomplish this is by increasing advertising on campus. If students are offered incentives for participating, they will. Gift certificates from area businesses and free food will entice students to donate their time. Faculty involvement is crucial for the success of the Haunted House. Our findings indicated that students would volunteer if faculty offered class points to them for doing so. INTRODUCTION Background When Halloween rolls around it means ghosts, goblins, and scary creatures come to life. At Penn State DuBois it also means the annual Business Society’s Haunted House. The Haunted House is a smashing success every year, raising thousands of dollars for local charities. These charities include the Make-A-Wish Foundation, Habitat for Humanity, and the United Way (Muth). The Haunted House is a five-day event. There is a day of set-up that transforms the campus gymnasium into a spooky and frightening Halloween Haunted House. The completed Haunted House is then open to the public for three evenings. The fifth and final day is teardown, in which the gymnasium becomes recognizable again. Problem Description The same problem arises every year, lack of student participation. The lack of student volunteers is a continuous problem for all organizations, yet for the Haunted House it’s especially problematic. In a student survey conducted on the Penn State DuBois Campus, 88% of students said they were aware of the Haunted House; however, only 35% of students said they participated in it (Questionnaire).
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Savings Account
HSBC is one of the biggest financial institutions in the world. It provides banking and other financial services to its clients across the globe. Because of this, HSBC have come up with a suitable slogan stating, â€Å"We are the world's local bank. †Furthermore, its headquarters is located in London but its group of global networks expands to more than 9,500 in 86 countries in North and South America, Africa, Europe, Asia and the Middle East. One of HSBC’s advantages over the others is that it has able to utilize technology and e-commerce to be able to meet the comprehensive needs and wants of its diverse clients (HSBC, 2009). Moreover, owning a house is the ultimate dream for some people. For many individuals with meager to average income, buying a house is a long and costly process. But due to the existence of banks, the dream of owning a house can become a reality. With HSBC, there are numerous ways on how people can save money to buy a house. In line with this, HSBC offers the Regular Saver account wherein customers can avail of a fixed rate ranging from 1 to10% monthly which is calculated based on the â€Å"daily cleared balance and paid on first anniversary of account opening. †More so, this type of account prevents any partial withdrawal which can help clients to save more money. Also, individuals can conveniently apply for this product through phone or to the nearest HSBC branch. For as low as ?250 a month, customers can open their savings account at HSBC and in the succeeding months they can increase their deposit to gain more profit. For example, â€Å"a total of ?3,000 will be paid into your account during the 12 month term. At 10% interest, you will earn approximately ?163 interest. †The features of the account aid in facilitating a better method of increasing the money saved by the clients Through HSBC’s Regular Saver account, average income earning individuals can save enough money for at least a year in order to pay for the deposit when buying for a house (HSBC, 2009). References HSBC. (2009). About HSBC. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from HSBC. (2009). Regular Saver. Retrieved March 30, 2009, from;jsessionid=0000xLn6IU4OahZ1KqVs5ZY47h5:12c58n73a
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
Mary Maloney
Ali Sobers December 9, 2010 Block 3 Lamb to the Slaughter There is more then what meets the eye, and not everyone is what they depict themselves as. In Ronald Dahl’s â€Å"Lamb to the Slaughter,†Mary Maloney, the wife of Patrick Maloney, accidentally kills her husband. Throughout the course of Dahl’s short story, Mary Maloney is portrayed as an innocent victim and a methodical criminal. In the beginning, Mary Maloney is perceived as an innocent victim. Mary Maloney is a loving and devoted wife whose husband unexpectedly leaves her.Everyday she anxiously awaits her husbands arrival home from work, â€Å"glanc[ing] up at the clock†every few minutes â€Å"merely to please herself†in anticipation of him coming home (317). Because Mary is so committed to and consumed by her marriage, she is shocked and devastated when her husband decimated their marriage. Also, Mary Maloney is six months pregnant. Mary Maloney’s skin is very smooth and has a sl eek quality â€Å"for this is her sixth month with child†(317). Mary is six months pregnant, when her husband tells her he is leaving, we feel sympathetic toward her because she thought she was going to have a wonderful married life.Finally, Mary Maloney mistakenly kills her husband. Mary Maloney is shocked and â€Å"feeling cold†when she sees her husband lying on the ground so innocent and she is still holding the preposterous â€Å"piece of meat†(320). Since Mary is so heartbroken, she could not control herself and accidentally kills her husband with a lamb leg. In the end, Mary Maloney has been represented as a methodical criminal. Mary Maloney cleverly gets rid of the murder weapon, by cooking it. She takes the weapon, the lamb leg, and â€Å"place[s] it in a pan†then she â€Å"turn[s] the oven on high†and tosses it inside (320).Since Mary did not want to get caught, she destroys the weapon by heating up the oven to cook it for dinner. The n, Mary makes up an alibi to cover up the murder. She figures out a way to â€Å"t [ell] her story about going to the grocer†and she persuades the police on her side (322). Mary, being very clever, puts together a scenario that helps covers up the crime she committed. Finally, Mary Maloney laughed and giggled. The detectives were contemplating on what the weapon is and hey were agreeing that â€Å"it is under their very own noses†and when Mary Maloney hears them she â€Å"beg [ins] to giggle†(324). Mary Maloney has sneakily tricked the policemen to eat the murder weapon and as they do so, she is proud to have accomplished her job. In The Lamb of the Slaughter, Mary Maloney is revealed as blameless and a meticulous criminal. In the end, she is determined to cover up her unintentional mistake and pretends like nothing has happened. Though times may be hard, and depressing, you should always think before you hurt somone.
Tuesday, October 22, 2019
Traditional VS Self-Publishing 2019 Everything to Know Before Deciding
Traditional VS Self-Publishing 2019 Everything to Know Before Deciding Traditional VS Self-Publishing 2019: Everything to Consider Before Deciding You might be about to make the wrong decision.Its scary. You want to or have already written a book and now its time to decide between traditional versus self-publishing.Which can help your book see the light of day?Traditional Versus Self-PublishingYouve finally made the decision. After years of saying I should, youve made the bold decision to finally sit down and write your book. Its a tough, yet brave decision. Sitting down to get your message out in the world will be one of the most challenging yet rewarding things you do. But now that youve made this decision, you may be wondering:Should I approach a publisher and go down the traditional route? Or should I self-publish and become an indie author? Which is better, traditional publishing versus self-publishing?Before the age of the internet, the only way a writer could get their book in front of millions was to send a book proposal and a query letter to a traditional publisher or agent. The writer hoped that day’s gatekeepe r had dranktheir morning coffee, woken up on the right side of the bed and actually given your letter and proposal more than a 10-second glance.Unfortunately, the likelihood of that happening was slim to none.This resulted in brilliant people like yourself being denied the opportunity to share their experiences, stories, and knowledge with the world. The Publishing Industry Is ShiftingThankfully, this industry is changing for the better at least for those of us who are savvy in self-publishing.With the development of online marketplaces like Amazon, the publishing process has changed. You can distribute your book to everyone, regardless of what some traditionalpublishing house thinks about your idea.You have a book inside of you and the world needs to read it!NOTE: We cover everything in this blog post and much more about the writing, marketing, and publishing process in our VIP Self-Publishing Program. Learn more about it hereWhy Self-Publishing?The publishing world has changed, a nd its time for you to reap the benefits. Here are seven reasons whyself-publishing is the best route to take- and why you’ll think twice before dealing with a publishing company again. #1 You Don’t Have to Wait for PermissionWith self-published books, you do not have to wait for anyone to give you the green light.Youdecide when and how to publish a book.Youdecide whose hands your book gets into.Youdecide how successful you are.In other words, you don’t have to convince any gatekeepers to allow your book to reach the global market.â€Å"But, don’t traditional publishers have a good idea for what will sell or not? I mean, if they reject my book, they’re probably right that no one would want to buy it.†Wrong.Have you ever heard of Tim Ferriss’s bookâ€Å"The 4-Hour Workweek†? It has been aNew York TimesandWall Street Journalbestseller for over four years. It sold nearly 1.5 million copies and has been translated into 35 differen t languages.Oh, and get this: It was rejected by the first 26 publishers it was presented to.Maybe youve also heard of a certain childrens book, the one about a young boy with a lightning bolt scar on his forehead who discovers he is a wizard. The†Harry Potter†franchise is a patent bestseller, with the last four books in the series being the fastest-selling books in history.Yet it was rejected by 12 publishers in a row, and was only picked up because the eight-year-old daughter of an editor demanded to read the rest of the book. Even then, after the editor agreed to publish, they advised J.K. Rowling to get a day job as she had little chance of making money in childrens books. Little did they realize the publishing success they had stumbled onto.Now, just imagine all the other authors out there who stopped after the first 10 or 20 doors slammed in their faces, believing the lie that they didn’t have a profitable idea.You cannot allow other people to determine your success.Self-publishing gives you the avenue to do that. You and your readers decide the worth of your words, rather than one person at a publishing firm who may not realize the potential publishing success in their hands.#2 You Can Publish Your Work QuicklyIf you were to take your book to a traditional publisher, it would take years to publish.For example, it may take up to six months for you to even hear back about the book proposal. And assuming they accept your proposal, it will take at least another year before the book is actually published.With self-publishing, you can produce your content as quickly as you want. And in the Amazon Kindle store, you can publish a new book whenever you want. That way, you can share your work as quickly as you create it!#3 Bring Home the (passive) BaconTraditionally-published authors are typically paid an amount of money up front. However, once the sales come rolling in, they only get a small cut of the earnings.Why? Because they have to pay the publishing house, the editor, the marketers, the designers, etc.But when you self-publish, you take in most of the earnings (save for the money you actuallychooseto spend on marketing, book production and publishing). On Amazon, for example, self-published authors receive 70% of the royalties for an eBook priced between $2.99 and $9.99. Now that isn’t bad!#4 You Form Invaluable ConnectionsSelf-publishers around the world have gathered online and in person to provide a community that supports one another in publishing their work.These connections become priceless as you meet other up-and-coming influencers like yourself.â€Å"Wait- so where would I meet these people?†Because self-publishing requires that you find your own editor, cover designer,formatter and launch team members, you end up connecting with people throughout your whole writing experience.Self-published authors also gather on social media platforms, such as Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and Reddit.The camaraderie allows people to expand far beyond what they could have done on their own, or what they would have been limited to with a traditional publisher.#5 You Control Your ObjectiveSo much of a book is influenced by the motive that fuels it.Is your motive to make money?It isto launch a new career?Is it to share your story?Is it to become a public speaker?Or, is it simply something to cross off your bucket list?Remember, writing a book ishard work. And nothing is worse than seeing your hard work be transformed into something you didn’t want. When you self-publish, you are able to preserve the dignity and genius of your objective. No one is pressuring you to sell more books, or to taint your message so that it will reach wider audiences.You are notpigeonholed or made to become someone you’re not comfortable with.You writeasyou, andforyou. And that is liberating. That is self-publishing freedom!#6 You Control Your Creative ConceptThere are horror stories about autho rs whose ideas and voice became unrecognizable after they went down the traditional route.When you work with a traditional publisher, you don’t just sell them your manuscript, you sell them your idea.Your book may become something you are not comfortable with. Or, your dreams for a sequel or a revision may be completely squandered if it does not comply with the motives of the traditional publisher.But as an independent author, you retain total creative control.You are free to be expressive with your work. You are free to be vulnerable and controversial. You are free to beyou.When you self-publish, you also controlwhoyou write for. If you sell via the Amazon Kindle store, you can choose, and then tweak, your categories and keywords. You determine your marketing efforts. With 45 percent of e-book sales going to indie authors, audiences are showing that they respect and want to purchase the ideas of everyone- not just those endorsed by traditional publishers.#7 You Control Your FutureMost people looking to write a book want to earn more money, gain more freedom or have a platform to share their ideas.When you self-publish and have complete ownership over your ideas, you also have complete ownership over your future.There is no traditional publishing firm to stop you from selling a supplementary online course that includes material from your book, starting a speaking career, re-releasing your book with a hardcover or audiobook, or even releasing an updated version of your book.You determine the trajectory of your book, your ideas, and your publishing career when you self-publish.Even Big NamesChoose Between Traditional Publishing VS Self-PublishingThough there are some benefits to traditional publishing, even some well-established and successful authors admit that the joys of being an indie author outweigh a traditional publishing deal.Via SelfPublishing.comSo much, in fact, that big name entrepreneurs who have large followings and couldeasilyget a trad itional publishing deal are opting to go the self-publishing route.These people includePat Flynn, Jeff Goins, JoshuaFields Millburn Ryan Nicodemus, Johnny B. Truant andJames Altucher.What You GetSelf-PublishingTraditional PublishingSole control of your book's outcomeâÅ"“XSole control of your book's rightsâÅ"“XControl over the storyâÅ"“XControl over the coverâÅ"“X100% of royaltiesâÅ"“XEditing includedXâÅ"“Cover designXâÅ"“MarketingXXDeadlinesXâÅ"“Why Go With Traditional Publishing?As you can probably tell, we here at Self-Publishing School are huge advocates of being in control and ensuring you get all the money you deserve for the work youve put in.That being said, sometimes traditional publishing will be the best option to fit your needs.Here is why some people might opt to go with traditional publishing instead of reaping the rewards of self-publishing.#1 You have connections in the publishing industryThe chances of landing and agent and making it in tradi tional publishing is very low.Because this market is very saturated and publishers really only publish certain types of books, those who have better luck with traditional publishing are those who have connections within the industry.Bascially, if you know someone who is an agent or an editor at a publishing house, it might be beneficial for you to work with them in order to get published through that house.#2 You want the labelThe best perk when it comes to traditional publishing is typically the fact that you cansay youre a traditionally published author.Because you have to go through a number of different processes and rejections in order to make it with traditional publishing, it can be seen as a sign that youre a better writer than others.However, as much as it can sound impressive, it doesnt always mean it is.#3 DistributionBook distribution is much easier as a traditionally published author, mostly because you dont have to deal with any of it.Traditional publishing houses ha ve very wide reaches and because of this, your book can reach a lot more stores in more places than if you traditionally publish.#4 Less responsibility on your partIf youre the type of person who just wants to write the book but dont want to worry about the title, book cover design, editing, or more, then traditional might be for you.Keep in mind that traditional publishers do purchase the rights to your book when you get a book deal and therefore, can make you alter anything in it to meet their needs.Meaning, your plot and characters can drastically change. If youre okay with that, then traditional publishing works for you.#5 No upfront costs to youKeep in mind, this doesnt mean traditional publishing is necessarily free.Typically, those who get traditional book deals receive an upfront payment of varying amounts. From there, the rest of the expenses fall on the publisher.However, those upfront payments arent often big enough to cover your living expenses for the length of time i t takes to get your book finished and out into the world. And that means youll still have to continue to work another job while writing and meeting deadlines in order to get your book done.#6 A slow and steady processThis can be both a pro and a con. If youre not in a rush to get your book out into the world, then the slow and lengthy traditional publishing process might be a good thing for you.Via SelfPublishing.comUltimately, Self-Publishing Will Change Your LifeIt may be that, like quite a few writers, youve dreamed about working with a big-name publishing house all your life, and nothing will satisfy you until you get that experience. There is nothing wrong with that. If youve identified this need early on, then maybe its best for you to go down the traditionalpublishing route.
Monday, October 21, 2019
Lupus Nephritis essays
Lupus Nephritis essays Lupus Nephritis is an autoimmune disease that is caused by systematic lupus erythematous (SLE) and causes inflammation of the kidneys.1 Normally, the immune system is supposed to protect the human body from harmful and infectious elements. However, an autoimmune disease affects the immune system in a manner in which it cannot tell the difference between a healthy and harmful substance, which can lead to attacks on healthy cells and tissue indiscriminately.2 It is a disease that predominately afflicts women between the ages of 15 and 40 and affects 1 in 2,000 women within the United States.3 It was reported that African Americans are more susceptible to lupus nephritis, the disease is developed at a younger age, and are predisposed to end-stage kidney disease.4 Currently, there is no cure for the disease but treatment options are available for those that are affected. Lupus Nephritis is one of the most serious complications of SLE as it significantly affects the kidney and usually arises within five years of diagnosis.5 It occurs when "lupus autoantibodies affect the filtering structures (glomeruli) of your kidneys that results in kidney inflammation and may lead to blood in the urine, (hematuria), protein in the urine (proteinuria), impaired kidney function or even kidney failure."6 Lupus nephritis is categorized into six World Health Organization classes: I, normal; II, mesangial; III, focal proliferative; IV, diffuse proliferative; V, membranous; and VI, advanced sclerosing.3 Each class of lupus nephritis is examined in further detail below. Class I. This class is defined as "minimal mesangial lupus nephritis with mesangial accumulation of immune complexes identified by immunofluorescence, or by immunofluorescence and electron microscopy, without concomitant light microscopic alterations."7 Class II. Class II is defined as mesangial lupus nephritis is characterized by "any degree of mesangial hypercellularity i...
Sunday, October 20, 2019
Boosting Your Marketing Career With Side Projects With Laura Posterick
Boosting Your Marketing Career With Side Projects With Laura Posterick As a marketer, you have a day job. Did you know that taking on freelancing clients or having a side hustle can invigorate you and help you bring more to the table when it comes to your main job? Today we are going to talk about fanning those creative fires through a side job. ’s blog manager, Ben Sailer, will be conducting the interview with Laura Posterick, the senior copywriter at Catchfire and the brains behind her own freelance business, Copy That MPLS. The conversation will be about lists, how to handle a freelancing business on the side of your day job, and how to glean inspiration from your personal life. Some of the highlights of the show include: What Laura does at both Catchfire and Copy That MPLS. How Laura keeps all of her projects organized without losing her mind. Tips on keeping your personal life separate from your professional life and not letting one encroach upon the other. How Laura handles her workflow with each company and meets her deadlines. Advice for people on how to say â€Å"no†to projects and clients you might not have the time or experience to take on. How Laura’s side projects and hobbies have helped her in her main copywriting job. How someone might convince a hesitant boss that taking on side projects won’t negatively affect their performance at their day job. The first thing someone should do if they are wanting to jump into the world of freelancing in addition to keeping their main job. Links: Catchfire Copy That MPLS Asana If you liked today’s show, please subscribe on iTunes to The Actionable Content Marketing Podcast! The podcast is also available on SoundCloud, Stitcher, and Google Play. Quotes: â€Å"A big thing for me is having dedicated workspace at home so I can separate in my mind when it’s time to get in the zone and get work done vs. when it’s time to chill on the couch.†â€Å"One of the most important things, especially when I’m working with freelance clients, is to set expectations in the very beginning.†â€Å"You’re not going to put out good work if you’re not super excited about a project.â€
Saturday, October 19, 2019
Cultural Differences Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Cultural Differences - Essay Example In order to understand how diversity comes about of the age, let us take an example of a right-handed individual who is forced to work with his left hand in order to come to terms with the reckoning as to how diversity makes its mark and how workplace understanding is derived. This right-handed person will have a better idea of how the varied workers in terms of culture have to come to terms with the changing work dynamics and how difficult it is to see things through on a day to day basis. It would ask for him to remain head on and very strong with gaining the much-needed insight and understanding that is required here. It will also tell this right-handed worker how he would give space to the culturally diverse workforce when it commits mistakes and when they are unable to understand a particular entity within the business dynamics in the time and age of today. The manner in which this right-handed individual will learn in this context is somewhat of an empathy-building exercise bec ause he will gain the vital comprehension as to how the left-handed workers would be doing their jobs and what they need to do in order to move ahead with their respective lives. An example of understanding gender difference is made clear when women are not given the same rights within the business settings as their male counterparts. This means that their salaries are lower as compared to the males within the workplace and they receive lower cadres within the organizational hierarchies. Also, these women are not chosen for the top echelon of the business enterprise which is a direct distinction between the males and females – a fact that is underpinned by the debate of gender differences.
Friday, October 18, 2019
Food Van Business Plan Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Food Van Business Plan - Case Study Example Our master-chef team will oversee the whole process and ensure that the health regulations have adhered. Our foods will improve the well-being of our customers and hence our food will be prepared to have that in mind (Myrick 2012, p.23). Our grilled chicken is prepared in a convenient way using fresh ingredients. Each serving involves a sensational taste that is appealing to the customers. Our fish and veggies are pre-blanched and hygienically prepared and sealed in a way that is appealing to the customers. The veggies are being chopped and packed freshly to ensure that their natural tastes are maintained. All ordering, stocking and quality controls are managed by on an in-house computer-based system enabling usage patterns to be monitored maintaining ordering efficiency and minimizing wastage. Our customers can have their orders delivered at their destination within the campus. The business is a profit-making organization will aim at ensuring that the production cost is lower than the sales. At the beginning of each day, the van will arrive at the support kitchen where the foods will be loaded with the day’s meals. This will ensure that the supply of ordered food is constant and no inconveniences are experienced. Promotion of our products will be at offering gifts and subsiding prices on particular days. These efforts will maintain customer loyalty and ensure that customers have trust in the kinds of foods we offer.Â
Financing Options for Larger Purchases Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Financing Options for Larger Purchases - Essay Example It is like a contract between two parties written for engaging in a transaction. The selling party must fulfill all the obligations written in the contract for the transaction while the buyers must also engage themselves in the particular transaction. Different financing options have different prices depending upon the value of the asset which is to be bought or sold. Usually the values of asset are currency or bonds or it may be future contracts along with a premium package till the expiry of the contract. When the option is exercised within due time, the other party collects its premium from the buyer & deliver the asset to the buyer. If the option is not fulfilled into the due time of expiry, the contract is considered void. There are such types of options too in which the actual buyer of an asset sell it to someone else, this is known as the exchange of option. Usually, all kinds of financial options are provided by finance corporations or by investment banks. Whenever there is a contract held between two parties considering any of the financial options, the terms of the option are required to write down. It must always mention the quantity & type of asset to be purchased & at what value it is going to be sold out. The expiry date is also mentioned in the contract & also some other terms & conditions upon which the whole contract is written, like the premium amount, the interest rate etc. The options are mainly of two types, the exchange-traded options which have a set of pre-defined contracts like stock options, bond options, index options etc, & the over the counter option which is not on an exchange & is simply between two parties. There can be as many terms & conditions in the latter one as both the parties want, depending upon their particular situation & the kind of valuable asset. There are also employee stock options typically in US which are in a form of an incentive from a company to its employees (PETCHERS. 2003). Purchasing of a house or a car o r something big like these always require some time to stop & think deeply what & which kind of financial option will suit according to the current situation anyone is facing. They are a real necessity & thus cannot be avoided. On the other hand, one must look into his/her budget & the actual need for that very item. One should not get tempted from the luxurious items which are out of range & should not get over spend. The one who has the money should be the one to decide what option will better suit him/her & what will not. At what interest rate can anyone afford the installments & thus before signing over any contract the details must be well read by the purchaser. Personal finances such as house, car, large electronic appliances etc need a lot of financial planning with respect to the budget & savings & considering future financial risks. Several ways to earn right amount of financial assistance at right time include insurance policies, investments in some business or in stock ma rket, social security plans & benefits, saving accounts & consumer loans etc. When looking for financing of large purchases, the easiest & the best way is the exchange-trade option, which is always standardized & the set of rules is pre-defined very clearly so that there would be no ambiguity remains in the contract. There can be installments procedure in which there are 3 months, 6 months or sometimes a 9 month installment can be made in order to cover the whole price of the asset. As there has been throughout computerized
The Re-emergence of Internatiol War- Was Mueller Overly Optimistic in Essay
The Re-emergence of Internatiol War- Was Mueller Overly Optimistic in the End of War Debate - Essay Example He considers that there was strong emotional opposition to war when the First World War was fought, and that by the time of the Second World War, this sentiment was so strongly advanced that war became obsolete1.Mueller’s arguments follow two perspectives. The first is the recognition that war has become much less popular, and the second is an explanation for this pattern. Both of these viewpoints are important, and it is only by examining both of these can the relevance of Mueller’s perspectives to the current world situation be understood. The term war is a word that has many uses and is defined differently depending on the situation that is occurring, and the desires of the people describing what is occurring. Understanding these distinctions is important in examining Muller’s arguments, as he uses a specific definition of war and argues his points on this basis. As an expression, war is often used to refer to any strife or conflict, whether within a state or between different states. This period of conflict may not be longstanding, and the use of the word war may be used to escalate the perception of the events. The term war is also used as a way of describing a particular campaign. For example, two well known ‘wars’ that the United States has created are the ‘war on terrorism’ and the ‘war on drugs’, phrases that have become well known since their instigation. However, the term is most relevant when used to describe a serious, extended armed conflict that occurs within a state (civil war) or between states (international war)2. One useful definition is that war is â€Å"sustained coordinated violence between political organisations†3 Muller’s argument is focused on war occurring between international bodies and he argues that major war between important states has not occurred since the Second World War, and that this long, unusual, period of peace is due to a change in the perceptio n of war. The hypothesis that major war has become obsolete does not state that war never occurs, rather that it has moved from being a viable option, to something that is only considered under extreme circumstances, meaning while it may still happen, it is rare4. There is a significant amount of evidence supporting this proposition. Since the end of the 1980s the overall level of large-scale violence has decreased worldwide, both in terms of the amount of conflicts and the number of deaths. Furthermore, within the same time period, even the prevalence of non-state conflict has decreased5. Mueller’s argument considers that peace has come as the result in of a change in perceptions, with war becoming aberrant or not considered in the same way that two men having an argument do not consider duelling one another, and how slavery is no longer considered a legitimate option6. However, war is generally not caused, or prevented by a single factor; instead there are many different re levant factors that can interact with one another7. One perspective on why international war has decreased in prevalence is that in the current era, there are many less rivalries between great powers, and therefore, the likelihood of a large scale international war is significantly decreased8. Simply put, the major states do not have as much to argue about as they once did. This is also influenced by the fact that the international
Thursday, October 17, 2019
Main Features of Linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Main Features of Linguistics - Essay Example The specific nature of the social and stylistic factors of the Trinidadian Creole which prove the "greatness in the written word" of Selvon is manifest in his short story "The Cricket Match." It is particularly notable that "the Creole that Selvon writes it is, in fact, a modified form of dialect that roughly approximates Trinidadian speech, but is not as precise a rendition as the Jamaican Creole... What makes Selvon's writing so distinctive is, therefore, his use of humor to undercut the seriousness of the issues that he is describing in his narrative." (Maceddo 2007). Therefore, it is worth mentioning that "The Cricket Match" has, as in his famous The Lonely Londoners, employed a similarly mild satirical technique and the gentle, ironic form of humor. In this paper, a close study of the passage from the short story is carried out in order to identify and classify the elements of language used which serves the purpose of linguistic analysis. In linguistics, stylistic analysis means the identification of patterns of usage in language whereas, from the literary point of view, it serves in making authoritative observations of the merit and meaning of the literary text. In a well-directed linguistic analysis of "The Cricket Match" on the basis of the underlying social and stylistic factors, it is notable that these linguistic variables have been masterfully implemented by the author to give the story an emphatic tone of his specific writing style. It is, therefore, significant to identify some of the most obvious stylistic features of the story as it will prove the actual worth of the literary text. The stereotyped expressions or the cliches that are cleverly used in the story may be particularly noted as they form part of the variety of the language that the author has chosen for his writing. Thus, we notice expressions like 'singing a calypso,' 'in truth and in fact,' 'take it from me,' ' authority in the factory on cricke t,' etc. to mention a few. In this way, the writer convinces the readers the specific quality of his language style.
Economics of multinational enterprise Term Paper
Economics of multinational enterprise - Term Paper Example If the terms of trade of a country are much closer to one country pre-trade price ratio the greater the gains than the other country hence such a country is likely to specialize in the production of such a commodity. Increase in production will employ a large labor force hence a rise in real income of the favored country’s citizens making them raise their consumption as a result (Beg & Manoj pg41-3). Perfect competition model produces products which are naturally homogenous and identical by definition having no brand name or trademarks hence consumers only choose on the basis of price. The industry has infinite number of firms hence the fewer the firms the larger is each firm. Firms can freely enter and exit the market since there are no legal or artificial barriers. All the participants in the market have perfect knowledge or complete information about the market hence farmers are aware of the demand and supply changes conditions. The firms are in return able to predict the future prices, demand and supply conditions. Such a market is not dwelt on much by economists as it is not realistic. In between PC and monopoly lies the oligopoly which means few sellers hence each firm is relatively large or giant in size. The degree of oligopoly is actually measured by the percentage of industry output. Products here are differentiated hence can be easily distinguished. Though they are open markets but they can at times be closed by some government regulation (Beg & Manoj pg 174-8). (a) Price elasticity demand is the extent to which demand can change with reference to the changes in prices, depending on the type of elasticity change in demand may be high or low. If changes in price do not affect demand negatively then demand may increase to an extent that multinationalization is realized. (b) Trade costs are additions to the overall costs of operations while market shares depend on the ability of firm to
Wednesday, October 16, 2019
Main Features of Linguistics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Main Features of Linguistics - Essay Example The specific nature of the social and stylistic factors of the Trinidadian Creole which prove the "greatness in the written word" of Selvon is manifest in his short story "The Cricket Match." It is particularly notable that "the Creole that Selvon writes it is, in fact, a modified form of dialect that roughly approximates Trinidadian speech, but is not as precise a rendition as the Jamaican Creole... What makes Selvon's writing so distinctive is, therefore, his use of humor to undercut the seriousness of the issues that he is describing in his narrative." (Maceddo 2007). Therefore, it is worth mentioning that "The Cricket Match" has, as in his famous The Lonely Londoners, employed a similarly mild satirical technique and the gentle, ironic form of humor. In this paper, a close study of the passage from the short story is carried out in order to identify and classify the elements of language used which serves the purpose of linguistic analysis. In linguistics, stylistic analysis means the identification of patterns of usage in language whereas, from the literary point of view, it serves in making authoritative observations of the merit and meaning of the literary text. In a well-directed linguistic analysis of "The Cricket Match" on the basis of the underlying social and stylistic factors, it is notable that these linguistic variables have been masterfully implemented by the author to give the story an emphatic tone of his specific writing style. It is, therefore, significant to identify some of the most obvious stylistic features of the story as it will prove the actual worth of the literary text. The stereotyped expressions or the cliches that are cleverly used in the story may be particularly noted as they form part of the variety of the language that the author has chosen for his writing. Thus, we notice expressions like 'singing a calypso,' 'in truth and in fact,' 'take it from me,' ' authority in the factory on cricke t,' etc. to mention a few. In this way, the writer convinces the readers the specific quality of his language style.
Tuesday, October 15, 2019
Developing a question and identifying a problem Essay
Developing a question and identifying a problem - Essay Example Therefore, nurses would need some form of training. Critically thinking, they would need an advanced training aside from their formal training on basic nursing. In retrospect, does this form of advanced training in prevention of patient falls impact on patient outcomes compared to no training? Patient falls present a significant physical health risk to the patient. Additionally, the complications that arise from patient falls incur significant hospital costs to both the patient and the hospital. The patient would have to incur extra costs for the management of the complications of the falls, whereas the hospital would put forth extra resources necessary for the management of potential complications of the fall. Besides, health care institutions could face a lawsuit with concomitant legal implications. Patient falls within health care institution in an occurrence that needs to be considered with utmost concern. Therefore, this paper will explore falls among elderly patients, its impact on the work environment, and quality of care, patient outcomes, and its significance to nursing and proposed solution. Falls in long-term care institutions and health care facilities are common. Tack, Ulrich and Kehr (2010), observe that approximately 25.5% of patients who experienced a fall had a neurological condition. Additionally, they opine that neurological patients are considered as among the high risk population. Elderly patients present with a number of neurological conditions attributed to age and lifestyle. For instance, Snijders , Van de Warrenburg , Giladi and Bloem (2010), observe that gait disorders are prevalent among the elderly can present devastating health outcomes such as reduced quality of life, increased incidence of falls and increase in mortality. Neurological diseases diagnosed in elderly patients exist with other clinical conditions. Lauretani, et al. (2014) posits that Alzheimer’s disease in the elderly could present with extrapyramidal signs
Monday, October 14, 2019
The Difference Between School Strategic Management Resource Business Essay
The Difference Between School Strategic Management Resource Business Essay The design school is applied by formulating clear and unique strategies in a deliberate process. The design school is also known as process of conception, in this process, the internal situation of the organization of the environment .The planning school; thorough steps are taken from the moment of the analysis of the situation to the actual execution. The positioning school, this is also known as analytical process, this strategy is used by placing the organization within its industry, and looks at how the organization can improve its position with their respective industry. Even though approaches to the design, planning and positioning are different, the design and planning schools are both prescriptive in character, as is the positioning school of thought. In the three schools of thought discussed above, the environment is seen as relatively constant (Volberda Elfring, 2001). Resource based view, is a method of looking at the firm as a bundle of resources in turn of approaching strategy (Powell, 2005).To achieve sustainable competitive advantages ,resource based view evaluates internal resources of the organization and emphasizes resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009).To enable firms carry out their activities , resources can be considered as inputs .Strategic choices decided by firm while competing in external business environment is determined by internal resources and capabilities (Madhani, 2009) The most significant difference between the perspective school of management and resource based view is that the strategic school of management emphasizes economies of scale and scope such as giving a guide to organization on acquisition, mergers and diversification, budgeting, and analyzing the organizations position within the industry resource based view emphasizing on brand and value creation. While the perspective schools use tools such as Swot analysis, scenario planning and five forces in order to think, program and analyze, resource based view makes an organization to look at their tangible and intangible assets, processes, skills and the leadership aspect of the company .In order to illustrate the significant differences, I would like to compare the differences between the schools of perspective and resource based view. Positioning school enable an organization to identify their position by identifying cost leadership, focus and differentiation,(à  rà  µnd, 2006 ), while on the other hand RBV gives importance to the leadership level of the organization and views the firm as bunch of resources which is said in the above. However, organization who effectively able to use both of them effectively it would benefit the organization in order to reach their goal and know where they stand, for example they are able to use the SWOT analysis to identify their strength, weakness, opportunities and threats and at the same time use the resource based view to identify what values or brand name in the organization which can be seen as a large asset to the organization. The biggest advantage of resource-based view is that the resource one company holds are hard to be practiced by a competitor. How do these different approaches allow to gain insights into the way successful organizations execute strategy? In order to succeed, companies have to deal with different parts of strategies independently and practice balanced strategies and apply a balanced approach to business system. Many organizations have successfully used these different approaches and executing strategy. I would be using 3 case studies in order to give a better on how this organization uses these different approaches to execute their strategy. Case study #1 Business Management Case Study: How Cisco Applies Companywide Expertise for Integrating Acquired Companies Cisco is a IT company which uses resource based view and the design school. Cisco uses acquisition of other companies to rapidly offer new products, reach new markets, and grow revenue (Cisco, n.d.). Since 1993, the organization have acquired more than 120 companies which consist of small startups to large established firms such as Linksys, Scientific Atlanta, and WebE (Cisco, n.d.). The phases, which is followed by Cisco, clearly illustrates that the organization is effectively using resource-based view and designing school. By using their internal resources such as cross-function teams, common principles, and standard processes, Cisco has developed a formal, repeatable approach to acquisition integration (Cisco, n.d.). The acquisition integration is done by using 3 phases, firstly discovery and planning, where the organization they assess their scope, model their business and integration planning, the second phase, execution, the organization ensure that they are operational readin ess and activate their employee, resources and integration task in order to execute the deal with the acquired company, and the final phase, monitoring, ongoing measurement an adjustment of the integration activity (Cisco, n.d.).As stated by Graeme Wood, Direct of the acquisition integration, in the case study, Cisco centralizes acquisition integration as it is effect and allow them to capture best practices, use their skills and resources more effectively and apply discipline and over sight to the entire acquisition process (Cisco, n.d.). Another statement from Pat Belotti, senior manager of sales acquisition in the case study, integrated Cisco worldwide sales operation, the most important benefit of Ciscos standard integration process that the process help Cisco avoid a purge in revenues, in fact the organization is able to increase their revenues rapidly by applying the organizations resources to assist the acquitted sales department reach their maximum potential (Cisco, n.d.) Case Study #2 Adding value through asset optimization, an Anglo American Case study In this case study Anglo American, a mining company which has a vision of becoming the investment partner and employer of choice in the mining industry, one of its strategy to achieve that ambition is asset optimization and by executing its strategy has been able to achieve on its stated target of saving $1 billion from core operations by 2011 (Anglo American, n.d.). This strategy was executed using the school of planning and resource based view theoretical approaches, in order to achieve their ambition and decided a target of $ 1 Billion from their operations (planning), they decided to optimize their assets. A important feature of development within the asset optimization program was its design, piloting and introduction into Anglo Americans day-to-day business in order for this strategy to be executed a formalized internal process called Operation reviewers, this team was full consist of Anglo Americans internal resources, initially they reviewed their operations, Anglo American c onsistently review their process to make sure that the process is efficient as possible, the operations reviewers apply a structured evaluation process in three functional areas which are operational improvement , technical assessment , safety and sustainable development assessment they combined their central technical capacity with the operational expertise to create a team and focused on delivering value from operational improvement (Anglo American, n.d.). Anglo Americans optimization process sets out a clear view of how operational improvement can be planned for. There are five phases, starting with recognizing an opportunity (investigate numerous ways to lower the mines carbon footprint) followed by the idea stage (found out that a mobile flare design would solve the problem) followed by the initiative stage (a detailed plan were created by technical expert from Anglo American) and finishing with putting an improvement into practice (Anglo American, n.d.). Anglo American has eff ectively used the school of planning and resource based view by effectively planning the asset optimization using their resources and as a result has gained sustainable benefits worth billion of pounds. (Anglo American, n.d.) Case Study #3 Delivering a business strategy, a TNT case study In this case study, TNT, a business to business express delivery service and how the organization is delivering a business strategy using school of positioning and resource based view .In the case study TNT has identified that their organization has a distinctive position and that their market position is based on differentiating itself from rival through their intangible resources (resource based view) (TNT, n.d.), TNT has developed a strategy map that puts the customer on the top at their highest priority of the business (TNT, n.d.). The organization wants everyone involved with the business informed on how the organization will be able to achieve its goals (TNT, n.d.).The TNT case study of Delivering a business strategy shows that Operational Excellence is achieved through a strong foundation of fast, reliable and quality services (TNT, n.d.). From there, by understanding what different customers expect, the organization is able to improve the customer relationship and experience (TNT, n.d.). By building a stronger customer relationship the organization is able to build a higher level of loyalty and commitment. The organization views the innovation process is about identifying the future needs of the organizations customers and by establishing a stronger relationship the business is able to develop a joint approach and shared vision (TNT, n.d.). This strategy map involves quality employees in order to meet their aims and effectively carry out the strategy. In the case study, TNT have stated their mission to surpass customers expectations and experience in the transfer of their goods and documents all around the world and by delivering value to the organizations customers by providing the most reliable and efficient solutions through their delivery networks and seek to lead the industry by instilling pride in their people and at the same time creating value for our stakeholders and be socially responsible around the world (TNT, n.d.). In order to achieve thei r aim TNTs biggest resource is their employees from various departments such as distribution, sales and marketing, finance, customer service and HR. .To ensure employees standards keep on growing, TNT emphasizes on development of employees (TNT, n.d.). By developing the organizations biggest resource, people, the organization ensures that it will have the capability to meet and implement quickly any necessary changes in the organizations strategy (TNT, n.d.).The organization also nurture new employees fresh from the market by offering a in house a five year apprenticeship program for people under 22 years old (TNT, n.d.) .TNT has successfully have used the positioning school and resource based view and successfully have a crafted an effective strategy. Conclusion A competitive advantage gives organization-enhanced capabilities for developing and delivering strategic value. Companies should have several competitive advantages, difficult to copy or duplicate, and sustainable over the long-term (Williams, 2007). The three companies above from the three case studies above has clearly have illustration combining school of taught to achieve their mission and vision.
Sunday, October 13, 2019
Frederic Chopin Essays -- Musicians
Chopin pioneered the idea of creating a true artistic form from technical exercises, making his etudes historically important. Each etude has its own musical story to tell even though they adhere to a basic principle as a means to train and refine the performer’s technique. They are not simply dry and repetitive exercises like etudes prior to Chopin. There’s emotion behind his etudes that transcends from technicality and mere note playing to a true virtuosic artistry that is executed with delicate finery. This new development of technical exercises is a feature of a persistent musical aspect in Romantic period repertoire. Not only were these exercises used to improve the performer, they influenced other composers and became substantial material. The Revolutionary Etude is a great example of this technique, for in this work of art, one kind find complete aesthetic materials centered on real historical events. Frederic Chopin was a child prodigy. He was a virtuoso pianist and a talented Polish composer. He was born the year 1810 and died 1849. He spent his early years in Warsaw where he received his music education. His compositions reached a mature stage in Warsaw before he left in 1830. Chopin mostly composed for solo piano, however he wrote two piano concertos, a few chamber pieces, and a couple of Polish texts that he set to music. Chopin made many major innovations to the piano sonata, mazurka, waltz, nocturne, polonaise, etude, impromptu, scherzo, and prelude, all of which are important pieces of work that highlight Chopin as a virtuosic composer. Frederic Chopin composed three sets of solo studies specifically for the piano. Overall these sets consisted of twenty seven total compositions known as etudes. Within these... ...ldinger, Jean-Jacques, ed. Chopin: Pianist and Teacher: As Seen by His Pupils Cambridge University Press, 1989. Israel Studies in Musicology Vol. IV (Volume 4). publication place: Jerusalem: Israel Musicological Society 1987. Kornel Michałowski and Jim Samson. "Chopin, Fryderyk Franciszek." In Grove Music Online. Oxford Music Online, 51099(accessed April 12, 2012) Yun, Fred. Analysis of Etudes Op. 10 and Op 25. Our Chopin. analysis/etude.html (accessed May 3, 2012) Huneker, James. 2007. Chopin: The Man and His Music. publication place: Echo Library. Alan, Walker. 1973. The Chopin companion: profiles of the man and the musician. New York: W. W. Norton and Company, Inc. Jonson, George Charles Ashton. 2010. A Handbook to Chopin's Works. publication place: Nabu Press.
Saturday, October 12, 2019
The Facts About Low Carbohydrate Diets :: Exploratory Essays Research Papers
The Facts About Low Carbohydrate Diets Imagine a world where imperfections of the body did not exist. A place where beauty was seen from the inside and the body was not judged by looks. Today, a person cannot watch the television or flip though a newspaper without being haunted with the thought of being "fat" or trying to achieve the "perfect body." Dieting has been around for centuries, where people have always strived to have a healthy and toned body. Unfortunately, most people who lose weight cannot successfully keep it off. This leads to people attempting all types of diets to maintain an ideal weight. Nearly two-thirds of adults are considered over weight or obese. With this high proportion of overweight people, it is no surprise that by the year 2005, obesity will surpass smoking and become the nations leading cause of preventable deaths ("More Dieters...," 2004). After this statement was announced to the public, health activists pounced at this like a starving man at a buffet. Recently, Americans have been bombarded with products and programs that promise weight loss. One diet that has swept the nation with rapid weight loss results is the low carbohydrate diet. Low carbohydrate diets are receiving the attention of many people through the over-sensationalism of the diet through the media, low-carbohydrate books, promotion from fitness centers and health clubs, and by many restaurants (Bilsbourough, n.d). A person cannot even go into a restaurant or fast food chain with out having the option of ordering off a "low-carb lifestyle" menu. An estimated forty million Americans have attempted to eat a low carbohydrate diet (Lempert, 2003). Low carbohydrate diets are simple programs in which a person restricts carbohydrate intake, and incorporates a greater amount of high-protein foods into their diet. In return, caloric intake is dramatically decreased; therefore, the body utilizes fat and muscle tissue for energy ("Low Carbohydrate...," 2004). Over a short period, this type of diet will result in rapid weight loss and health benefits. Even though many people do experience the health benefits of low carbohydrate diets, researchers claim that there are harmful side effects. Carbohydrates As a human, we are required to intake a certain amount of nutrients to function and maintain good health. Nutrients are classified as carbohydrates, proteins, fats, vitamins, minerals, and water. Essential nutrients, or those nutrients that must be obtained from a food source, include carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins (Worthington, 2004).
Friday, October 11, 2019
Pollution and environment Essay
Junk science is the term used to refer on political and legal disputes that brands an advocate’s claims about scientific data, research, analyses as spurious. It simply means manipulating data that is the result of an experiment (Agin, 2006). There are many reasons why there are people who are engage in junk science. They want to change their findings and manipulate their outputs so that the outputs will agree to their hypothesis or target outcome. Personal motive is their driving force. The ethical standards are being violated because they do not show the real outcome of the experiment or study. Many sectors are now engage in junk science like universities, industries, faith group and even the government. According to Dan Agin who made published many books about junk science claims that these sectors twist science for their own gain. The benefits of their findings will not benefit the common people but for their own sake (Agin, 2006). According to Agin, there are two main cause why junk science is being done by these institution. These are fraud and ignorance. As what been discussing on the first part of the paper, deception on the results so that new development will occur. Ignorance comes to the scene when statistical analysis is being manipulated. It is very obvious that all results from statistical analysis are reliable. Agin gives examples as he mentioned from his book why ignorance is a main cause of junk science. One of his examples is the declaration of the Department of Agriculture of United States regarding on the issue of genetically modified foods. The department claims that genetically modified foods are harmless to human when eaten. But the department did not provide any proof on their findings. Instead, they broadcast their wanted result to the people without the result of their experiments (Agin, 2006). Agin is concerned to the welfare of the people on the possible outcome of junk science in the society. If a person asked where is junk science? â€Å"The answer is that it’s in the hiding of what you need to know. †There are many incidences where junk science can be observed. One of the first people who saw junk science results is the Fox News columnist Steven Milloy. He argues on the findings and results regarding on global warming, ozone depletion and other issue pertaining to the pollution and environment. He claimed that the results from the findings were not supported by experiment and statistical analysis. Because he wants to inform other people on the effects of junk science like suffering from a rampage against reason by special interests in government, commerce, and the faith industry, he made a website about junk science and the possible result of it in the society. From the institutions who are engage in junk science, the government is the most common committers. The government when making rules and regulation for their subordinates is actually made because on their personal interests. They will create rules and regulations that looks like it is concerned on the welfare of the society but actually the main benefits why they manipulate the findings in science is to expand their authority and to increase their budgets. People must be aware on the possible effects of junk science on the lives of many people. Concerned citizen must fight junk science so that it will eliminate the further damage that may be brought by junk science. Reference: Agin, D. (2006). Junk Science: How Politicians, Corporations, and Other Hucksters Betray Us Thomas Dunne Books.
Thursday, October 10, 2019
Apparent Benefits Of Digital Mammography Health And Social Care Essay
DM separates the procedures of image acquisition, processing and show more than is possible with FM. In FM, the x-ray beginning is turned on, energy is converted from the x-ray beam ( which has radiated through the tight chest ) into light via a phosphor screen, which so exposes a difficult transcript movie, held within the screen ( Carlton & A ; Adler, 2006 ) . The movie is processed chemically and an image is developed. Digital Mammography includes either computed skiagraphy ( CR ) or digital skiagraphy ( DR ) . CR uses really similar equipment to mammography undertaken through conventional skiagraphy and involves a photostimulable phosphor home base cassette-based digital skiagraphy system, in which imagination home bases are run through a computing machine scanner that reads and digitalises the image ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . All other signifiers of digital mammography are called DR, where digital x-ray detectors are used alternatively of traditional photographic mov ie. Both DR and CR are frequently used in a diagnostic scene, while DR is peculiarly suited to a showing scene ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . A screening mammogram is performed routinely and harmonizing to BreastScreen Australia, adult females over 50 old ages old require one every two old ages. Unlike movie, the electric signal ( DM produces when the x-ray photons hit the digital sensor ) is linearly relative to the strength of the x-ray resulting in a wider dynamic scope for digital images ( 1000:1 ) than for movies ( 40:1 ) ( Dershaw, D. 2006 ) . This equates to a higher contrast declaration, which is peculiarly of import in imaging younger adult females who normally have heavy chests. However, another factor in image quality, spacial declaration, is superior in FM. Because spacial declaration depends on pixel size in DM and on the size of the grains in the emulsion on the screen in FM, spacial declaration is better enhanced in movie ( Dershaw, D. 2006 ) . Spatial declaration is of import in naming calcifications and other little characteristics in the image. Despite DM ‘s huge post-processing abilities, FM has a greater truth of structural lines recorded, or spacial declaration, of an image. Could the deficiency in the spacial frequence in DM be justified by the ad vanced contrast declaration? Both ( Kim, et al. , 2006 ) and Dershaw, D, ( 2006 ) found several surveies which show that despite the restricting lower spacial declaration of DM, visibleness of calcifications on DM is non significantly different from that on FM. In add-on, both Pisano, Gatsonis, & A ; Hendrick, ( 2005 ) and Skaane, et al. , ( 2008 ) province DM ‘s far superior contrast declaration ( when comparing to FM ) is various in that during the processing of DM, contrast can be enhanced in the countries that are heavy. In April 2004, Melbourne ‘s Peter MacCallum Cancer Centre became the first Australian site to offer digital mammography ( DM ) ( Pun, Lau, Cassumbhoy, Taranto, & A ; Pitman, 2007 ) . The figure of Digital Mammography units bought throughout Australia is rapidly increasing and the conventional film-screen methods of mammography are going out dated. However, the axial rotation out of digital mammography was at hand due to marketing techniques by industries ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Both Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) and BreastScreen ( 2008 ) outline the considerable figure of mammograms taken each twelvemonth. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) describes the figure to be every bit high as 1.5 million mammography scrutinies undertaken each twelvemonth through both showing and diagnosing. BreastScreen Victoria is portion of the free national chest malignant neoplastic disease testing plan for adult females, known as BreastScreen Australia. The Victorian plan was established in 1992 and is jointly funded by the Victorian and Commonwealth Governments ( BreastScreen, 2008 ) . The plan services adult females under the age of 50 and offers a free mammogram every two old ages to test for chest malignant neoplastic disease. The Government has been funding the digital ascent of BreastScreen Australia from 2006 and has already financed $ 120 million towards the national promotion ( Ageing, 2010 ) . However, Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2005 ) discusses, utilizing informations from The Digital Mammographic Imaging Screening Trail ( DMIST ) , the fact that for adult females over 50 old ages old, there was no important difference in diagnostic truth between DM and FM. There is much literature sing the effectivity of testing through DM in older adult females. As mentioned antecedently, BreastScreen testing is applicable for adult females over the age of 50, even though Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2005 ) found there was no important difference between DM and FM in adult females over 50 old ages old. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) discovered there were advantages of utilizing FM over DM in ages over 50 old ages old because of the chest composing. It is interesting to farther note in a more recent article by Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) , the writer agrees that in older adult females ‘film tended to execute better for adult females aged 65 old ages or older with fatty chests. ‘ Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) describes the aged chest as been less-dense and besides agreed on FM to be the superior unit for chest malignant neoplastic disease testing in ages over 65. Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) steadfastly established ‘for adult fem ales aged 65 old ages or older, it seemed improbable that DM testing offered a mensurable wellness benefit ‘ . Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) includes presently 48 per cent of chest malignant neoplastic diseases occur in adult females over 65 old ages old therefore it is of import the age group is imaged right. Both Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) and Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) argue that relative to FM, testing for chest malignant neoplastic disease utilizing DM is non cost-efficient due to the inferior quality of imaging less-dense chests over the age of 65. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) conducted an Australian reappraisal that examined the economic value of DM in testing through BreastScreen Australia. Harmonizing to Siemens monetary value scopes for 2010, A new MammoMat DR mammography unit will be up to AU $ 414 000, ( HCN, 2009 ) . A FM unit costs around $ 80 000, ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Extra costs for both FM and DM include a movie processor and roller viewing audiences ( FM ) and pressmans, proctors and a image file awaying and communicating system ( PACS ) equipment ( DM ) , observing that PACS can be of to $ 800 000 to set-up, ( Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) calculated the costs of each DM and FM scrutiny: DM ( D R ) being $ 110.36 per patient and FM $ 73.95 per patient. Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) explains that larger sections can afford the passage: ‘larger chest malignant neoplastic disease testing services may be better able to absorb the fiscal impact of presenting DM than little Centres. ‘ Further guess has surfaced sing the scrutiny times in the transition from film-screen to digital mammography signifiers. Not merely is the cost exacerbated but articles have besides been written claiming that many Radiologists might take longer to set to the alteration in engineering, when comparing the passage to digital general X ray ( Grady, 2008 ) . An writer, Denise Grady reported an addition in recall rates among adult females, who ‘were finally found to hold nil incorrect. ‘ She claims the job is that radiotherapists, seting from one medium to another and frequently holding to compare consequences between the two, may construe images more cautiously and ‘play it safe ‘ by bespeaking extra X raies, ultrasounds, or biopsies ( Grady, 2008 ) . This passage from FM to DM is besides outlined by the mean times taken reading the mammogram: 5 proceedingss DM verses 3 proceedingss FM for testing times and 24 proceedingss DM verses 15 proceedingss FM ( Wang, Merli n, & A ; Kreisz, 2009 ) . Haygood, Wang, Lane, Galvan, & A ; Atkinson, ( 2010 ) besides agree in the drawn-out use of DM. The article, comparing DM with FM, found DM six-view images ( three projections of each chest ) could take more than seven times longer than FM images to convey the images up in fit-in show manner, pan through them and set alternator panels and visible radiations. However, Thompson, D, ( 2006 ) justifies the drawn-out passage because of the digital use of the image, declaring that on the whole DM promises to better diagnosings and lead to earlier intervention of chest malignant neoplastic disease.Existing literature to place current positionExisting Australian literature on the cost-effectiveness of exchanging from FM to DM is limited because the first Australian site has merely been unfastened for six old ages. American research is taking the manner in respects to the advantages and restrictions of DM. This is most likely because of the October 2008 figure of 43 per cent American mammography clinics holding at least one DM machine ( Haygood, Wang, Lane, Galvan, & A ; Atkinson, 2010 ) . Many articles have been written in the USA detailing the evident advantages of DM: immediate digital-image acquisition, superior contrast sweetening, storage and retrieval capacity, displayable in multiple formats, real-time reading of mammograms at distant sites, tele-radiology and computer-aided sensing equipment is going more available. Regardless of the legion benefits of DM, American articles have besides argued the cost of DM testing including surveies by Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) and Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) . Back in Australia, mammography demands for showing intents differ somewhat to those in America, due to BreastScreen Australia being to the full funded by the Australian Government. Therefore, farther research must be undertaken refering the cost-effectiveness of transforming BreastScreen Australia ‘s mammography units into DM. And computations of the per centum of adult females over 65 who presently use BreastScreen Australia ‘s services must be found to further analyze the economic value of DM in BreastScreen Australia testing Centres.Proposed Research Study ( Semester Two )Restrictions to the passage from DM to FM must be acknowledged. An obvious limitation is that FM is no longer being researched or advanced by makers and is bit by bit going disused. This is why my research undertaking in semester two will concentrate on farther researching the disadvantages of DM within the age group of over 65, to find why DM is n't suited to this age group and to better DM ‘s capablenesss to include all age-groups. This research needs to be undertaken before FM ( the gold criterion in mammography for over 65 twelvemonth olds ) becomes superseded.DecisionWith DM endangering to to the full replace FM, farther research has to be performed to cut down the disadvantages of DM including: lower degree of spacial declaration, inferior ability in imaging less-dense chests and economical value. Currently, considerable grounds opposing the usage of DM over FM showing of adult females over 65 old ages old is outlined by the writers: Tosteson, et al. , ( 2008 ) , Karssemeijer, et al. , ( 2009 ) , Wang, Merlin, & A ; Kreisz ( 2009 ) , and Pisano E.D. , et al. , ( 2008 ) . Extra research must be conducted in countries of bettering DM in adult females aged over 65 old ages old in order to specify DM as the gilded criterion in chest showing. Word count: 1957
Wednesday, October 9, 2019
Article Critique: Masking Poor Communication Essay
â€Å"Take advantage of every opportunity to practice your communication skills so that when important occasions arise, you will have the gift, the style, the sharpness, the clarity, and the emotions to affect other people.†– Jim Rohn (Brain, 2001). Most of us do not realize that we are causing miscommunications while we are doing so. Studies show that we have believed we’ve communicated with the people we love better than we actually have. Sometimes we have an â€Å"illusion of insight†, study co-author Nicholas Epley, a professor of behavioral science at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business, said in a university news release, which comes from growing close to friends and family. (Close, 2011). â€Å"Our problem in communicating with friends and spouses is that we have an illusion of insight. Getting close to someone appears to create the illusion of understanding more than actual understanding.†(Close , 2011). I know that I am misunderstood often; meanwhile, I rarely do the misunderstanding. I most often bump heads with my fiancà © but I most severely bump heads with my sister. My sister, Lissette, is 13 years older than I am; I have always assumed that our communication was open, clear, and effectively expressed. As it turns out I could not have been more wrong. I remember when I was 19 and I moved in with my sister; we had a great relationship, we were very happy with the living arrangements. That happiness was every so short lived. On several occasions we argued because one or the other perceived a symbol incorrectly. Lissette and I eventually had a big fight about some laundry, long story short I had to move out. We fought not because either one did something wrong but because things that were said were taken out of context by the receiver. Comments that were made by the sender, that were simply intended to inform the receiver of certain aspects, had a negative chain reaction. In hind sight, I did not say with my body, tone, or facial expressions what I was really trying to encode a different manner. In other words, I now think that I may have come on too strong a tone and character and my sister understood what she read on my body, not listening to the words. Reflecting on this article and other readings throughout the week, I came to some interesting conclusions. Studies do indicate that people often times believe that they communicate better with close friends and family than with strangers. â€Å"That closeness can lead people to overestimate how well they communicate, a phenomenon we term the ‘closeness-communication bias,'†study co-author Boaz Keysar, professor psychology professor at the University of Chicago, stated during a university news release  © 2011 HealthDay. Whether we are face to face, back to back, in another room, or on the phone with each other, misunderstanding can and will happen without either party reacting well to the misinterpretations. When something is said, it is both the senders and receivers responsibility to make sure they are clear in what they are saying and/or hearing. Without this tactic, there will be misinterpretations between the sender and receiver. As an effort to make sure that I don’t find myself in the miscommunication habit, I will have to work on my communication skills daily. I also believe that it is very easy to expect someone close to you to understand you, but it is more complex than simply understanding words. I will have to learn to appreciate that not everyone I love will always be on the same page as me. Additionally, I can express how I am feeling about the senders’ tones and their facial expressions, so that we will be on that same page. I can also gracefully place pauses and breaks into my conversations in order to allow the receiver time to give feedback. In these ways both the receiver and myself, the sender, will not assume what the other is saying or thinking. In chapter three of Interpersonal Communication it list things that we can do to improve our intrapersonal communication. One way you can increase awareness is to pay attention to what you select to focus on and how you interpret your world, i.e. is the glass half full or half empty? Another is to increase your self-awareness â€Å"To improve your communication skills, you must first increase your self-awareness to understand how you interpret your world†(Sole, K. 2011) References Close relationships sometimes mask poor communication. (2011, January). U.S. News & WorldReport, 1. Retrieved from ABI/INFORM Global. Document ID: 2270370591. Sole, K. (2011).Making connections: Understanding interpersonal communication. San Diego,CA: Bridgepoint Education, Inc. ( 2001-2003
Compare and contrast Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words - 16
Compare and contrast - Essay Example She can also be very humorous and sends everybody on the floor laughing at her funny and interesting stories. On the other hand Anne’s personality is quite the opposite and is headstrong, catty and likes voicing her opinion. Mary at times seems to be laid back and brings out the funny bit of herself. Anne brings out the more augmentative and charismatic side .Though they have two completely different personalities, they are fun to be with. Mary is quite the opposite of my character whereas Anne is more like me in personality. My two friends also have interests that are somewhat the same. Anne and I both play football for our school whereas Mary loves snowboarding which she really enjoys. Anne on the other hand enjoys the sport and has gone several times particularly during the winter. Mary is so much into boys and student council. Nevertheless, both of my friends are into extra-curricular activities in various ways. Whereas the two differ in several ways in each category, nevertheless, they both seem to complete my life in various ways. Anne makes me think in a more analytical manner than what I am actually used to whereas Mary makes me view life at a different angle and not in a very serious manner. Even though both of them do not think greatly of one another, I do not know how I would cope without their varying opinions in life not forgetting their immense
Monday, October 7, 2019
Johannas Kepler Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Johannas Kepler - Essay Example Kepler's epistemology was profoundly concerned with astronomical practice, with methodological issues, and with the results of their application to the serious problems of late-renaissance astronomy. Kepler not only was able to ask questions in a way that no one had before asked, but he was able to provide answers to those questions that even now are worthy of continued study. From this perspective, Kepler was less the last great cosmologist of the classical tradition that includes Ptolemy and Copernicus; more was he the first cosmologist of the modern tradition. In the middle of the sixteenth century, fourteen centuries after the death of Ptolemy (c. A.D. 100-170), his Almagest still dominated all of astronomy. With the renaissance of interest in the works of the ancients, the relevance of the Ptolemy's great work had not only not diminished, but was on the increase (van Helden, 42). But by the end of the sixteenth century and the beginning of the seventeenth the Ptolemaic system was facing serious challenges. The subsequent revolutionary transformation from the geocentric to the heliocentric worldview has been almost universally attributed to the works of Nicholas Copernicus (1473-1543). Copernican astronomy is best known for the radical proposition that the Earth is in motion about the Sun rather than vice versa. Copernican heliocentrism emerged from a profound dissatisfaction with the fundamental principles upon which Ptolemy had based his system of the heavens. In particular, the Ptolemaic assumption of the punctum equans Copernicus vie wed as contrary to the admissible explanations for the true motions of the planets. The punctum equans, or equant point, is an eccentric point about which the planet is supposed to subtend a uniform angular speed. Historically, published in 1956, Johannes Kepler's first and evidently most influencial astronomical work Mysterium Cosmographicum was the first major treatise after Copernicus' De revolutionibus to argue for heliocentrism (Gingerich, 347). Although Kepler has been defending the theory of Copernicus from the very beginning, with Mysterium Cosmographicum scientist provided a new kind of theory of the planets. His theory of the planets has been classified as new because it was the product of the first explicit and thorough attempt to consistently unify the epistemological structures of the hitherto divergent sciences of astronomy and physics (Koyre, 119). Kepler's objective in Mysterium Cosmographicum was nothing less than the development of a theory of the absolute structur e of the world system. Kepler was certainly not the first to attempt to provide a general cosmographic account of the planets, that is, an account that seeks to explain the proportions of the universe as a whole. Both Ptolemy's and Copernicus' respective theories each maintain not only an ordering of the planetary orbs, but contain estimates of the ratios of their dimensions. But in the theory of Ptolemy these estimates are empirically underdetermined because of the independence of each planetary hypothesis, and in the theory of Copernicus, the estimates are strictly a posteriori consequences of the heliocentric hypothesis and, because of their reliance on Ptolemaic observations and mathematical constructions, no better corroborated
Sunday, October 6, 2019
Is the long predicted elimination of middlemen (as opposed to the Essay
Is the long predicted elimination of middlemen (as opposed to the substitution of one type of middleman for another) on the horizon - Essay Example The purpose of this paper is to determine whether or not the long predicted elimination of middlemen (as opposed to the substitution of one type of middleman for another) on the horizon. The main function of a middleman in this context would be to maintain an inventory of goods and distribute it to retailers. For instance a grocery warehouse can serve as a middleman between the food manufacturers and retail grocery stores. The grocery stores actually purchase their food in bulk from the grocery warehouse, whereas the grocery warehouse has already taken care of ordering the various types of food from the manufacturers themselves and having them on hand. This makes purchasing large varieties and volumes of food easier, faster, and cheaper for retail grocery stores. Another example of a middleman would be website that sells airline tickets and travel packages, such as Travelocity. The website would serve as a middleman between the airline and the customer. Customers find this arrangement convenient since they can shop various airlines at once for the best prices and even purchase additional travel items all in one spot. There are three types of middlemen that facilitate the flow of goods and services from the manufacturer to the customer. These are merchant middlemen, agents, and facilitators (Citeman Network, 2008). Who would assume responsibility for certain functions if middlemen were eliminated depends entirely upon where that middleman exists. For instance, in the grocery warehouse example above, the retail grocery store would be responsible for ordering their food from various different manufacturers if their middlemen were eliminated. In the travel example, customers would have to purchase tickets directly from the airlines if their middlemen were eliminated. The two main places that people shop and purchase are in person and online. In person shopping is performed during physical store hours and online shopping can be performed around the clock from the convenience of anywhere an Internet connection is available. The collection of information on existing, potential, and prospective customers by manufacturers will change if middlemen are eliminated from the channel. The manufacturers would then be selling directly to the consumers themselves instead of to wholesalers and retailers. Customers search for information about products and prices and changes in the distribution of the products they purchase. This is typically done via the Internet. Customers also use circulars and newspapers, as well as coupons, to shop around for the best price. Word of mouth is also a popular means by which customers learn information of this type (Marxists, 2008). There are differences between convenience, shopping, and sought goods/services and elimination of middlemen will not likely occur for one or more of those categories of goods/services. Even though people are always saying that eliminating the middlemen will result in huge savings, this has not been the case. They are simply too convenient. Manufacturers have an easier time selling to companies than they do millions of individual customers, whereas customers are attracted to one-stop shopping and do not want to go all over the place to find the best deal. Some sellers expect consumers to shop in their "brick n' mortar" stores, and these businesses
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