Monday, September 30, 2019
The Negatives Of Genetic Engineering
The term â€Å"genetic engineering†was first coined by Jack Williamson in is science fiction novel Dragon's Island, published in 1 951 ,one year before Dona's role in heredity was confirmed by Alfred Hershey and Martha Chase, and two years before James Watson and Francis Crick showed that the DNA molecule has a double-helix structure, DNA stands for (desorbing cultic acid). For many years, there has been a controversy surrounding the morality of genetic modifying organisms.Some it's unethical since it may lead to side effects such as mutation, others say it's totally acceptable since it can make a stronger healthier and smarter organism. I tryingly believe that genetic engineering should be banned for multiple reasons such as religion, morals, physical attributes and crossing species boundaries. In every country there is different religions and these religions have different views. One of these views are on genetic engineering, whether it is acceptable or not modifying genes. God created us human not perfect so why do we want to reach perfection when it is not a human trait. Other people who lack faith will tell you humans seek perfection it's in their nature so it's k modifying genes, but if we reached perfection what do we have to seek, we loud be perfect and lose our touch of humanity. Is genetic engineering ethical to do, children who are made with specific genes are produced for one specific reason and it is to help another person medically in other words they are made for being spare for the specific person.In my sister's keeper a book about a girl who was a genetically modified to help her dying sister from cancer for 12 years she was used as a spare for her sister and when they wanted to take a kidney, she took matter in her own hands and sued her parents for emancipation. So it is not moral or right to bring a person just to be spare. Although other people will contradict and say that by doing so they are saving lives, but they don ;t think of t he lives they are destroying .Gene modifying is not a 100% accurate, it has many mishaps one of the mishaps is a chronic disease which happened in 2001 at a reproductive facility in new jersey were thirty babies who are genetically modified and have genes of three different people, two women and a man some of these thirty children had turners syndrome and turners syndrome happens to one in very 2500 baby and in thirty babies it occurred more than twice is alarming. There people contradict that genetic modification has many benefits, like it increases polymorphism but what about mutations that occur in the children that born. Are they supposed to live with disabilities because some scientists wanted to play god. What about modifying genes to create a new species, are we ready to see a new type of species walking around with us, scientists are talking about a new kind of humans that have the outer look of humans and the abilities of animals, do we want a human tiger that may be aggres sive and be a hazard to other normal humans?
Sunday, September 29, 2019
Another Accolade for Charter Arms Corp by Mike Royko
Laurence Bourgeois A00161609 March 12th, 2013 Analysis Essay In his essay â€Å"Another Accolade for Charter Arms Corp. â€Å", Mike Royko focuses not on John Lennon’s death, but on the type of gun that was used to kill him. He argues that the model of a gun makes a great deal of difference when killing someone. By ignoring the shooting of the celebrity, Royko uses irony to show how idiotic the debate on the gun is. He commences his essay by asking the readers â€Å"what difference does it make what kind of gun was used ? and answers by saying that it indeed makes a great deal of difference. At this point, we know the author’s rhetorical strategy will consist on focusing on anything but the death of the famous musician. As mentionned before, Royko uses a lot of irony in his essay as a way of showing the readers how ludicrous the gun debate really is. Per example, in the beginning of his essay, Royko says : â€Å"And when people become emotional about guns, as many do when somebody famous is killed, they tend to lump all guns together.They don’t show proper respect for an excellent gun, such as the Charter . 38. †By saying that this type of gun deserves respect, despite what it did to the famous superstar, the author is clearly trying to show no empathy for Lennon as a form of rhetorical strategy. Later on, he proceeds by saying : â€Å"Now the Charter Arms Corp. has the unique distinction of having two famous people shot by one of their products, I wonder if they have considered using it in their advertising. Here, he takes his irony to another level by assuming the death of a celebrity should be something the company should be proud of and that advertising it would lead the customers to purchase the weapon. Using irony for this type of subject was a brilliant idea, but in this essay, Royko uses too much of it. Secondly, Mike Royko uses the model of the gun as an argument of his irony. He also constantly talks about the importance of the quality of the weapon.Per example, he mentions the incident that happened on network TV, where a reporter from CBS says that the gun used to shoot George C. Wallace was a â€Å"cheap handgun†and goes on by explaining how this was quite an insult for Charter Arms Corp. The author also talks about the fact that both shooters, Bremer and Wallace used the same gun to wound their victim and that the weapon did a good job. In another sample of his irony, Royko adresses Charter Arms Corp by saying : â€Å"Once again, your product really did the job, gents. â€Å"To conclude, Mike Royko’s essay is initially an ironic piece of work written to make the readers realize that the main focus of a tragedy should be the victim, not minor details such as the weapon used to harm the person. In my opinion, this essay is a fine piece of work, but the author emphasizes too much on irony in a way that it shadows what the essay is actually about. Work Cited Royko, Mi ke. â€Å"Another Accolade for Charter Arms Corp. †The Broadview Anthology. 2nd ed. Ed. Laura Buzzard, Peterborough : Broadview, 2011. 221-4.
Saturday, September 28, 2019
Unforgettable Place Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Unforgettable Place - Essay Example Add to that, the cattle that reside on it are also one of the reasons why I frequent my father’s farm every now and then. Since I am young, being 22 years of age at present, my father has not given me the permission to call the shots as far as managing his farm is concerned. However I am sure that seeing my excitement at reaching his farm and with involvement that comes quite naturally to me, he will ask me one day to take over the reigns of the farm. This farm is unique because it has a number of trees within it. There is also a small house that my father has built so that we can spend the night over and enjoy the cool breeze that sweeps across the farm. I absolutely cherish the idea of spending nights at the farm because it is indeed one of my favorite pastimes. My happiness knows no bounds when my friends are given the permission to spend time with my family on my father’s farm. It is like a nightly picnic that my father allows once every 4 months or so. This unforgettable place however has its limitations as well. There is electricity but it keeps coming back and forth. Then there is the issue of a lot of mosquitoes which attack the individuals who are sleeping at night inside. Often times, with the permission of my father, I have spent a good amount of the night on the roof top of the house built on one side of the farm. But more often than not, we had to call it quits because the mosquitoes had a better army to destroy our fun and enjoyment. This farm is indeed very special and important for me. The biggest reason is that it is ours and no one can claim it to be theirs. Moreover, I have spent some of the best moments of my life at my father’s farm, thus making it an automatic choice to become the favorite place to be at any point in time. I have often dreamt of being at my father’s farm during the night and have told my father about what I saw. He appreciates my love for the farm yet disallows me from visiting it regularly. He believes
Friday, September 27, 2019
Construction Technology and Innovation Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 1
Construction Technology and Innovation - Essay Example Unlike modern construction approaches, the traditional building methods are characterized by multiple deliveries, expansive skilled workforce and uncertainties arising from costing and poor performance. The traditional building techniques also involve inter-dependent sub-groups and as such the quality of the final product cannot be assured. The tendering process could further complicate the whole process as learning curve problems are likely to resort. This paper discusses the modern methods of construction that are common in the UK. Modern Construction Methods The House builders Federation of the UK defines MMC as techniques, which entail efficient production management processes to achieve more quality building products. The modern methods of constructions that have become popular include open panels with lining materials, insulation services, windows, doors, internal wall finishes and external claddings. The UK construction industry is also embracing the use of ready-made parts, w hich are then pieced together. Unlike traditional houses, modern houses are built using concrete moulds and steels. A number of techniques have been embraced by those using modern construction methods. One of the popular techniques is the adoption of volumetric approach, which entails construction of three-dimensional modular units (Pan, Gibb & Dainty 2007, p.183). According to Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (2009, p.3), other common modern methods of construction include the use of floor and roof cassettes, pre-cast concrete foundations, and pre-formed wiring looms. In the recent past, UK MMC developments have been redesigned to look like traditional brick houses. It is assumed that this new approach will continue gaining favour with the UK residents. Industries and educational institutions could also take advantage of these new construction approaches in order to achieve the benefits that are detailed below. According to the UK government, modern building technique s have a host of attendant benefits. Firstly, modern houses are easier to construct and environmentally friendly as they involve less transportation of materials and produce less waste. Secondly, they result to fewer accidents and have less impact on local residents during construction. In addition, the modern housing methods require less labour and are economical as fewer materials are required. Thirdly, the modern methods of construction significantly reduce onsite build time by 50%, and thus reduce labour costs. According to a study that was commissioned by the Office of the deputy Prime Minister, the volumetric approach, reduces on-site build time to 16weeks compared to 39 weeks for brick and block style. Likewise, using open panels reduces on-site building time to 20 weeks compared to 39 weeks for brick-and-block style (National Audit Office 2005). The benefits of the modern construction methods are best highlighted by a report that was commissioned by National Audit Office (20 05, p.7). According to this report, MMC guarantees the UK residents safer houses because most of the materials are produced under controlled environments (Roy, Low & Waller 2005, p.60). This is unlike on-site building techniques where enhancing quality of products becomes very challenging. In addition, customers are able to preview the complete houses before making any purchases. Although modern methods of construction are likely to become popular, their levels of acceptability among the UK residents are
Thursday, September 26, 2019
Social Media Affecting Interpersonal And Intercultural Communication Essay
Social Media Affecting Interpersonal And Intercultural Communication - Essay Example The traditional intercultural communication has come under immense threat of getting obsoleted due to the increasing level of human interaction through the use of social media. In the light of globalization, the present day society is becoming more and more dependent on the internet and the social networking system in their daily communication. The major modes of communication are driven by technology and the internet. These may include the social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, MySpace, the online chatting and VOIP services like Face Time, Skype etc., the online blogs, micro blogs and different online forums. The social media has influenced the people from different cultures and countries to communicate with each other as well as provide information about themselves on the web through the social networking sites, personal websites and blogs (Hofstede, 2001). The cultural communication system has been reshaped to emerge as a more open and widely integrated system all across the globe. Discussion The invention and development of new technologies in the communication and networking aspects have presented a wide array of choices for communication connecting all the parts of the world through the World Wide Web. Internet connection has gained major importance throughput the world with the connection facilities spreading to even remote parts of the world. ... The social media provides people from all over the world with the opportunity to display their information as well as demonstrate their culture, interests and activities through sites like Pinterest, We Heart It, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and other social media sites. The different social networking sites are made user friendly so that people from varying backgrounds can easily use these media. These sites use computer mediated communication (CMC) system to make it easy for people to communicate and express themselves (Herring, 1996). The users can also create personalized websites to provide information about them and express their ideas and interests. This mode of communication has highly influenced the social lives of people all across the globe and exchange their ideas and information on different areas of discussion. The social media communications have made it simpler for people to exchange text, videos, e-mails, instant messaging as well as communicate through the use of rea l time audio and video chats using Skype, Face Time etc. The social networking sites are internet based service systems that allow people to create public profiles on the web within a system which they can completely control, maintain a connection with other users which may include the acquaintances, friends and family members. The social networking sites also make it possible to view the activities of the connections within the system. The first social networking site was launched in the year 1997 named having all the above mentioned features. After the launch of this social site, the social media experienced a boom with a number of social sites being formed for different
Wednesday, September 25, 2019
Private Limited Companies Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Private Limited Companies - Essay Example This discussion gives various aspects of the Company law, the development of the private limited company and the role of the joint stock companies. Private and public companies tend to depend on economic forms of centralizing, organizing and operating capital and with the availability of the registration process from the acts of 1852 and 1882, and these companies could gain limited liability from the process. The explanation on why this has occurred could be understood on the basis of the economic circumstance following the great depression. The historical process related to the formation of companies has been related to economic changes through the great depression as well as legal procedures available. The birth of the private limited company has a long history and in the centre of such history lies technological contributions and the innovation processes of the companies, the legal structure of the time and the economic policies and effects of the market that either brought about success or failure of such limited companies. Innovation or changing certain functions and structures of an organization is viewed as a process of organizational dynamics rather than a consequence of technological developments and the focus is on corporate governance through innovation and vice versa. Freeman et al (2007) used example of the British coastal shipping companies in the early 19th century as their approach to business changed with the introduction of steam technology. The transition also brought in changes in the decision making process and there were some assumptions on shareholder involvement in this sector. Governance relations were however very important in private companies as were reso urce allocation decisions. In a study, Weir et al (2005) suggest that with poor stock market performance, companies tend to go private due to reasons of undervaluation. With management buy outs the firms are privatized due to non optimal governance structures and problems with institutional ownership (Weir et al, 2005). Existing firms with poor market valuation and with limited market pressure tend to engage in more private transactions. Providing arguments for and against privatization of companies, Sellers (2003) stated that private companies can become public agencies although these have to be in accordance with government demands and contracts. In fact the government is responsible for making suggestions and setting up the requirements and provides recommendations to private companies and this government suggestion turn private companies more like public ones2. The company managers are sometimes caught between these needs of government contracts and their own business acumen (Sellers, 2003). These are however some problems of change from private to public agency although government aid would be an advantage in this case. The stock market perf
Tuesday, September 24, 2019
International marketing Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
International marketing - Essay Example It provides the facility of discounts at Mulberry shops to its shareholders who own the 500 shares with the company (Morley 2011). The company operates on a large scale, having stores throughout the UK and across the world including Europe, Australia, and Asia. It aims at expanding its base by increasing the production of leather bags in the UK. Mulberry Handbags represent the symbol of England’s distinctiveness and style along with the lifestyle of the people of Britain. This brand is mostly preferred by ladies and is one of their best choices. The uniqueness lies in the provision of exclusively designed handbags that are available at reasonable prices. This brand provides products that represent ideal price, design, style and quality all provided at a single point. Mulberry has produced some top class products like Bayswater handbags and Roxanna handbags with the new unique designs styles. Therefore, Mulberry provides stylish and durable handbags at reasonable prices. The co mpany also operates through various online stores that provide handbags of all models and styles to the various consumers in the market (Morley 2011). The company aims to go for internationalisation in India in order to reach new market and expand its customer base. The reason lies in increasing the sales and earns increasing profits by providing uniquely designed and luxury leather goods to the potential customers. India has the second largest population in the world and this will provide the brand a large market space to grow and expand. Situational Analysis The situational analysis has been done in order to analyse the environmental conditions of the Indian market which will help to develop the marketing plan and enforce the expansion strategy in the Indian market. Socio-Cultural Environment Social cultural environment has an important role to play in when a company takes decision to enter international market. This environment includes all the factors that are not included in ec onomical or political aspects. The social cultural environment on broader parameter consists of complete range of behaviours patterns and relationships of the individuals in their personal lives. The basic factors that are included in the social cultural analysis of the market include characteristics of population of the market, values and attitudes and lifestyles and relationships (Hollensen 2008). Mulberry is a company of British origin which is well known for its luxury leather goods. The company is willing to engage itself in international trade by expanding and entering the Indian market (Morley 2011). The company needs to give emphasis on understanding the Social cultural environment of India before taking the final decision to enter the market. Along with this the company needs to understand this to design its products in such a manner that it is able to align its working with the requirements of the country like India it is initiating to enter (Wilson and Gilligan 1997). Com petitive Analysis For the purpose of competitive analysis of the PEST and porter’s analysis of the market is conducted in order to identify the environment which is to be faced by the company willing to perform its functions in India (Fill 2006). The major factors are discussed in detail as under. PEST Analysis Political Factors: This factor indicates the degree of intervention of the government in the functioning of the economy. India is the biggest democracy of the world and type of government
Monday, September 23, 2019
If you could pursue any occupation regardless of education, training, Essay
If you could pursue any occupation regardless of education, training, special talent, or expense, what would it be and why (maximum two pages, single spaced, - Essay Example Many companies require a bachelors degree in Computer Science, Information Science or Scientific Programming, according to EUREKA. And experience is some times required too. The common experience wanted is two to six years in systems support, programming, network services, diagnostics and/or communications, again according to EUREKA. Some of the best colleges in California to earn a degree in computers are Cal Tech, Cal Poly, USC, and Cal State Fullerton. What should I take while in college to become a software business analyst? A software business analyst is a programmer first and foremost. So they need a strong background in computer programming. Also a software business analyst is required to have some skills in computer-controlled equipment, CAD/CAM system development, and familiarity with programming languages, such as C, C++, Java, JavaScript, Visual Basic, XML, PHP, and Assembly. Other abilities needed include strong organization skills, principles in computer science, engineering, and mathematical analysis and other techniques, knowledge of design software programs, and the ability to plan and oversee projects (1). There is a TV show called The Screen Savers that started in 1998 and continues today. I started watching the show from the beginning but I wasnt really interested in it fully, I really only cared about what games I could play on my computer. But about a year later something happened that sparked my current fascination in computers. So I find the career of software engineer will give me a great chance to learn a variety of different areas. I interviewed my computer teacher in Bangalore University, who has been in the computer field since 1988 and currently works at Bangalore University. I asked him what he thought was the best way to get in to computers and he said that getting a good education and that if you have a high enough GPA, some companies recruit students straight out of college. Another
Sunday, September 22, 2019
A Review Of Related Literature On A Time On Task Rewards System And A Research Paper
A Review Of Related Literature On A Time On Task Rewards System And A Summary Of The Methodology Used In Experimentation - Research Paper Example According to, as much as 8% of children between the ages of 3-17 are suffering from Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder or ADHD. This makes this disorder a very real occurrence in our communities, and specially our schools. This makes almost one out of every 12 children affected by this issue. Although this is normally not life threatening, it does have serious effects on a child’s life. Some people also think that this disorder does not exist and that it is just some simple thing such as the child's will to do a task, but according to, as well as the individual they interviewed, Dr. Barkley, the disorder is quite real. According to, symptoms of this disorder include irritability, forgetfulness, easily distracted from a task, difficulty with focusing on a certain tasks, hyperactivity, restlessness and others. These are the kinds of symptoms that are often mistaken for other issues such as the child's lack of discipline, lack of will to concentr ate, dislike of the task at hand and others. These symptoms also have a huge effect on a child's education. Due to these symptoms, at least 1 out of every 12 children have a problem concentrating while in school, or while doing their home works or seat works. Due to these issues, these children will have a hard time keeping up with lessons and have a hard time learning new topics. Because of these effects on the child's learning, we can now consider this disorder as a learning disability. Our subject, who we will name â€Å"Angelina†is affected by this disorder and is historically known to have difficulty in concentrating, and focusing on certain tasks, especially when it comes to reading comprehension. This paper's goal is to look at related literature regarding her disorder, define certain aspects of the disorder, and attempt a simple experiment with a discipline style known as the rewards system, to try and see if this style of discipline will have any effect or will show any improvement in Angelina's lack of focus and concentration. This paper will attempt to discuss these topics in sections, namely: Review of related literature Definition of â€Å"learning disorder†Learning characteristics associated with learning disorder Reading challenges of learning disorder, & its effects Strategies to use when dealing with children with learning disabilities Conclusion Methodology Intro paragraph Participant Setting Design Inter-rater reliability Description of the procedure – chronological summary of the major events in your study Baseline Intervention Return to baseline Data collection procedures Social validation Concluding paragraph Results Discussion Definition of â€Å"learning disorder†As previously mentioned, ADHD can have a considerable effect on a child’s learning because it affects the persons ability to learn and review things, but can we consider ADHD as a learning disorder? We must define exactly what a learning di sorder is. According to, ADHD and a learning disorder are 2 different kinds of disorders. It goes on to explain that â€Å"ADHD effects learning in almost thirty per cent of the cases.†The different of the 2 disorders is explained in a very simple yet effective way in the article. It describes that although ADHD is able to have an effect on learning, it is a medical condition. It affects â€Å"all cognitive functions.†While a learning disability only affects the child or person while learning or trying to understand new information. A simple analogy that was also used in the article is that while a learning disorder will prevent the proper functioning of a few brain functions related to learning, ADHD softens functionality of all brain functions. Also, learning disorders only take effect while trying to do certain cognitive functions. According to Sheila L. Videbeck in her book â€Å"Psychiatric mental health nursing, Third editionâ€
Saturday, September 21, 2019
High School Dropouts Essay Example for Free
High School Dropouts Essay Dropping out of optional school is an issue defied by various teenagers today. It happens in view of several essential standard reasons. One is normally an unlucky deficiency of companionship in extracurricular activities. An exchange turns around the people not being capable in asking for that their youths keep tabs on staying in school. A third cause is the nonattendance of effort pushed by learners to be productive in their studies. Why do young people lose their venture in school? The focus when individuals are not extraordinary with their studies it as often as possible starts a critical plunging winding in their devotion to class. When they feel less positive about school they all things considered are less fascinated by extracurricular activities recreations, music, and clubs. For various learners, it is their accomplishment in extracurricular activities that fills their aching to stay in school. Accepting that individuals have no attainment in either academic or extracurricular activities they have no inspiring strengths to take off to class Consequently, they have no connection to their school. An overabundance of people is not firm enough with their children and their direction. People disregard to urge their children the centrality of staying in school and that dropping-out is contrary to their future. All over there high scholars drop-out as a consequence of an unlucky deficiency of trepidation instilled into them by their people. Various young people have for all intents and purpose zero parental supervision. Coupled with a nonappearance of social capacities between people and youths, the impact could be an unlucky deficiency of commitment with school. There is a nonattendance of exertion set forth by a significant number of todays people. They appear to be truly languid and have no order regarding the matter of their studies. Constant disappointment is regularly a solution for colossal over-burden and anxiety. It has a tendency to measure to the satisfying toward oneself prediction of dropping-out. Dropping-out is their just escape. Dropping-out could be counteracted. Offering youngsters on the profits of staying in school requires consistent exertion and an extraordinary use of time. Folks must be the entire more in tune with their youngsters needs and cravings and be ready to help them adapt to their inconveniences. Folks must be stronger in swaying their youngsters to stay in school. In any case teenagers themselves must take the activity to acknowledge obligation regarding their future and they must set forth more exertion into their studies. Learners fruitful association in additional curricular exercises is useful in raising their regard toward oneself. These strategies for aversion may appear intemperate however the effects exceed the introductory battle.
Friday, September 20, 2019
Reflective Essay on Dementia
Reflective Essay on Dementia My first administrative position in mental health was working on a Geriatric Psychiatric unit of the local hospital. Many of the patients were elderly patients with Alzheimers. This was my first experience with Alzheimers disease and the effects it has on their families. Alzheimers is the most common type of dementia and is incurable, degenerative, and terminal (Wikipedia) . Symptoms of Alzheimers begin slowly and become worse until they interfere with daily life and patients are unable to even carry on conversations. Families become caregivers for their loved ones who dont know who they are any more. The prognosis is not good for patients afflicted with this type of dementia but researchers continue to look for new treatments and possible preventions. A few of the Alzheimers patients I worked with on the Geriatric unit are very memorable. There was a gentleman who was in the moderate to severe stage of the disease. His job for most of his life was that of a hospital administrator. My office door was always open and some patients would wonder in time and again. My office must have triggered something in him because he would come in and need to sign papers. He would sit in my office for hours and sign papers. Another patient was a woman who had 12 children. She was always wondering the unit looking for her babies. The nurses bought her a baby doll and she carried it everywhere and it also calmed her down. Another aspect of Alzheimers is sundowners syndrome. Many of the Alzheimers patients would start to get agitated between 4:00 and 5:00 p.m. They would become more aggressive, oppositional and agitated. Sundowners syndrome is an increased time of memory loss, confusion, agitation, and even anger. For family members who care for Alzheimers patients, witnessing an increase in their loved ones symptoms of dementia at sunset can be nothing short of troubling, if not also painful, frightening, and exhausting (Sundowners Syndrome). Alzheimers is not a new disease. Alzheimers was first described by German psychiatrist and neuropathologist Alois Alzheimer in 1906. In 1901, Alzheimer observed a patient at the Frankfurt Asylum named Mrs. Auguste Deter. The 51-year-old patient had strange behavioral symptoms, including a loss of short-term memory. This patient would become his obsession over the coming years. In April 1906, Mrs. Deter died and Alzheimer had the patient records and the brain brought to Munich where he was working at Kraepelins lab. Together with two Italian physicians, he would use the staining techniques to identify amyloid plaques and neurofibrillary tangles (Wikipedia). Amyloid plagues are extracellular deposits that consist of a dense core of a protein known as B-amyloid, surrounded by degenerating axons and dendrites, along with activated microglia and reactive astrocytes, cells that are involved in destruction of damaged cells. Neurofibrillary tangles consist of dying neurons that contain intra cellular accumulations of twisted filaments of hyperphosphorylated tau protein (Carlson, 2008). These abnormal structures are also found in brains of patients with Down syndrome. Unlike Down syndrome, Alzheimers is a progressive degenerative disease that gradually destroys a persons memory and daily functioning. Currently Alzheimers is diagnosed by symptoms, and only confirmed by brain examination after death. There are warning sides of Alzheimers disease that include memory loss that disrupts daily life. Challenges in planning or solving problems when there were no problems before. Difficulty completing familiar tasks or leisure activities they a person used to do. Confusion with time and place, which is what most people know about Alzheimers. This is when family members forget where they are going or days of activities. Trouble understanding visual images and spatial relationships or new problems with words speaking or writing. Misplacing things and the inability to retrace steps. Decreased or poor judgment and withdrawal from work and social activities. Changes in mood and personality, which is another warning sign that most people are also familiar with from media, etc. Grandma turns from sweet to irritable (Stages and Warning Signs of Alzheimers). The Alzheimers Association is a strong national organization that supports and funds Alzheimers research. Their website has a vast amount o f information on symptoms, treatment, prevention and research of this disease. Taken from their website there are seven stages of Alzheimers. They include: Stage 1 where there is no impairment. Stage 2 there is very mild decline. Stage three there is mild decline. Stage four there is moderate decline. Stage five there is moderately severe decline and stage six and stage seven there is severe decline and very severe decline (Stages and Warning Signs of Alzheimers). The current major treatment for Alzheimers is medication management and each stage of Alzheimers requires a different medication. Mild to moderate Alzheimers is treated with cholinesterase inhibitors. These types of medications are prescribed because they may help delay or prevent the symptoms from becoming worse for a time and also help manage behaviors. The medications include: Razadyne (galantamine), Exelon (rivastigmine), and Aricept (donepezil). Another drug, Cognex (tacrine), was the first approved cholinesterase inhibitor but is rarely prescribed today due to safety concerns (Alzheimers Disease Medications Fact Sheet, 2010). Most people have heard of Aricept because is used often and advertised on the media more so than others. Moderate to severe Alzheimers is treated with a drug that regulates glutamate, an important brain chemical. The medication known as Namenda (memantine), an N-methyl D-aspartate (NMDA) antagonist. Aricept has also been approved by the FDA to treat modera te to severe Alzheimers. These drugs main effect is to delay progression of some of the symptoms and they may allow patients to maintain certain daily functions a little longer than they would without the medication. The medication may help a patient in the later stages of the disease maintain his or her ability to use the bathroom independently for several more months, a benefit for both patients and caregivers (Alzheimers Disease Medications Fact Sheet, 2010). There is research going on to provide diagnosis by a simple blood test, this was reported by American researchers just last month. Also, other researchers have shown spinal fluid tests, which require a spinal tap, can detect early changes that signal the onset of Alzheimers. Imaging companies such as privately held Avid Radiopharmaceuticals, General Electrics GE Healthcare and Germanys Bayer are racing to finish clinical trials on new agents that can make brain lesions called plaques visible on positron emission tomography o r PET scanners (Anonymous, 2010). Researchers also are looking at any possible prevention or slow down of the disease. Currently at Rush University is leading a nationwide clinical trial of a nutritional drink to determine whether it can improve cognitive performance in people with mild to moderate Alzheimers. The study follows recently released results from an earlier trial conducted in Europe showing that the drink, called Souvenaid, improved verbal recall in people with mild disease who were followed for three months (Anonymous., 2010). Alzheimers affects approximately 10 percent of the population above the age of 65 and almost 50 percent of people over the age of 85 years (Carlson, 2008). The number of Americans age 65 and older who have this condition will increase from the 5.1 million today to 13.5 million by mid-century. A recent report from the Alzheimers Association states that the cost of Alzheimers to the United States will be $20 trillion over the next 40 years. Changing the Trajectory of Alzheimers Disease: A National Imperative shows that in the absence of disease-modifying treatments, the cumulative costs of care for people with Alzheimers from 2010 to 2050 will exceed $20 trillion, in todays dollars (Report: Alzheimers disease to cost United States $20 trillion over next 40 years, 2010). Statistics taken from the Alzheimers Association break it down as follows; Alzheimers disease costs business $24.6 billion in health care. In the US 7 out of 10 people with Alzheimers live at home where 75% of costs are absorbed by the family. The remaining 25% of care costs cost an average $19,000 a year. It is estimated that Alzheimers caregivers cost business $36.5 bill ion. This includes the costs of absenteeism and lost productivity. The average cost of a nursing home in the US is $42,000 a year. However in some areas those costs can be at least $70,000. Medicare costs for beneficiaries with Alzheimers disease were $91 billion in 2005. Medicare costs are expected to increase by 75% to $160 billion in 2010. Medicaid expenditures on residential dementia care were $21 billion in 2005. These costs are estimated to rise by 14% to $24 billion in 2010( (Kennard, 2010). The stress of caregivers for loved ones with Alzheimers is high. The frustration and challenges of caring for an adult who no longer complies with reasonable requests is a daily consequence of a loved one with Alzheimers. There are many support groups and resources for caregivers. Some tips for managing an Alzheimers patient is to have patience, be flexible, reduce frustration, reduce choices, reduce distractions to create a safe environment (Research, 1998-2010). Patience and flexibility are easy to figure out. Patience because a patient with Alzheimers will be oppositional at times, will not know their caregiver at times as well as not remember family members. The Alzheimer patients mood and reactions to daily tasks will change sometimes daily as the disease progresses. Flexibility with caring for Alzheimers patients is tied into their changing needs and abilities from day to day. Reducing frustration, choices and distractions would be like raising a toddler. Not too many choices or distractions for them to be overwhelmed with. A safe environment is pretty clear and we hear about Alzheimers patients wandering off reported on the news more often. Alzheimers patients who have been left in an unsecured house or got into a unlocked car. Doors should always be locked so the Alzheimers patient is unable open or figure out how to open. The car is easy to figure out, keep it locked! Take the car keys are keep them on you or hidden. There was a poem on the Geriatric unit w all where I worked. The author is unknown and it is taken from Coach Frank Broyles Playbook for Alzheimers Caregivers.   The poem is a good reminder of what Alzheimers is all about and a good conclusion to this report.      Do not ask me to remember. Dont try to make me understand. Let me rest and know youre with me. Kiss my cheek and hold my hand. Im confused beyond your concept. I am sad and sick and lost. All I know is that I need you, to be with me at all cost.  Do not lose your patience with me. Do not scold or curse or cry. I cant help the way Im acting, cant be different though I try. Just remember that I need you, that the best of me is gone. Please dont fail to stand beside me, love me till my life is done.
Thursday, September 19, 2019
Organization Performance Essay -- Business, The Roles of Managers
Organisational Performance. The term organisation performance relates to the past, present and future-projected performance of an organisation, thus, the performance of an organisation comprises the actual output measured against the intended outputs (Goals and Objectives). The role of managers is to ensure that the performance of the organisation is aligned with attaining the goals and objectives of the organisation, by taking necessary steps to ensure that the work (outputs) of an organisation are also aligned with the overall objectives and goals. Organisation Managers’ sets and projects target that are designed or aim to achieving the objectives that are aligned with the mission of the organisations. This also acts as guidance to staffs, which provides the staffs the sense of direction of the organisation. The Performance targets are set/ compare against previous past performances achievement. In order for performance target to be attained, it must be realistic and achievable. Mann (2002) suggested that the key to long term success is having and communicating a clear vision, mission and strategy. Target setting must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound with acronym; SMART. Performance indicators are tools device used by organisations to measure how well they are performing in relation to their goals and objectives, thus also provides understanding and indicator to organisations stakeholder on how organisation is in track with achieving its target. Acronym KPI; (key performance indicator) are represented in percentages, often used to express and numeric representation of the organisational performance, thus enables a comparison of attained targets and future target setting. Whilst KPI is an eff... ...alysis of this argument indicates that Strategy can also be derived form actions and reactions of everyone within the organisation. The role of Police environment managers and including the SPCP units’ managers’ primary role are to formulate and implement the predetermined force strategy. Individuality of each managers and external factors can influence the leadership style of individual managers. Organisational managers are individual with recognised authorities, authorized to formulate, delegate and implement existing strategy of an organisation, in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation, the Managers must be competent and motivated in their role, in order to motivate others. The managers of the SPCP units’ steers and direct the staffs within towards achieving the objectives of the Strathclyde Police force objectives of making communities safer. Organization Performance Essay -- Business, The Roles of Managers Organisational Performance. The term organisation performance relates to the past, present and future-projected performance of an organisation, thus, the performance of an organisation comprises the actual output measured against the intended outputs (Goals and Objectives). The role of managers is to ensure that the performance of the organisation is aligned with attaining the goals and objectives of the organisation, by taking necessary steps to ensure that the work (outputs) of an organisation are also aligned with the overall objectives and goals. Organisation Managers’ sets and projects target that are designed or aim to achieving the objectives that are aligned with the mission of the organisations. This also acts as guidance to staffs, which provides the staffs the sense of direction of the organisation. The Performance targets are set/ compare against previous past performances achievement. In order for performance target to be attained, it must be realistic and achievable. Mann (2002) suggested that the key to long term success is having and communicating a clear vision, mission and strategy. Target setting must be specific, measurable, achievable, realistic and time bound with acronym; SMART. Performance indicators are tools device used by organisations to measure how well they are performing in relation to their goals and objectives, thus also provides understanding and indicator to organisations stakeholder on how organisation is in track with achieving its target. Acronym KPI; (key performance indicator) are represented in percentages, often used to express and numeric representation of the organisational performance, thus enables a comparison of attained targets and future target setting. Whilst KPI is an eff... ...alysis of this argument indicates that Strategy can also be derived form actions and reactions of everyone within the organisation. The role of Police environment managers and including the SPCP units’ managers’ primary role are to formulate and implement the predetermined force strategy. Individuality of each managers and external factors can influence the leadership style of individual managers. Organisational managers are individual with recognised authorities, authorized to formulate, delegate and implement existing strategy of an organisation, in order to achieve the objectives of the organisation, the Managers must be competent and motivated in their role, in order to motivate others. The managers of the SPCP units’ steers and direct the staffs within towards achieving the objectives of the Strathclyde Police force objectives of making communities safer.
Wednesday, September 18, 2019
fairy tales :: essays research papers
Fairy Tales      I love to see Professional Dances, such as ballet and Riverdance. But what is even better is seeing dancers who aren’t professionals. I love going to see Dance Studios Dance Recitals. What I really like about them is that it shows up much people like to dance, but doesn’t show true talent. Not to long ago I attended Dave Ragnacci’s School of Dance recital, Fairy Tales. This play was set up as if every scene was a fairy tale story. When the curtain opened, it started, as the dancers were all different fairy tale characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, ect. Not only did I like to watch it, but also I could see that other children did too because of the story of the recital.      Every scene was different for each number. In the beginning all the character pretended to be sleeping, until the music started and they all joined together for the dance called â€Å"Never Ending Story†. The song was perfect for the opening because fairy tales are never ending stories, everyone likes to listen to them, read them and tell them. The second scene was the story of Snow White. The dance was a ballet, and the second dance was modern, which is an upbeat type of ballet. When the witch came out and danced the perfect song came on, Dark Lady by Cher. The dancers danced on toe shoes and played tambourines.      After that scene was over, the little 4 year old kids came out and act out the Snow White Scene. They were dressed as little dwarfs, all different colored costumes. They came out and danced with Snow White. They danced to â€Å"One Bad Apple†by Jackson 5.      The next scene was Jack and the Bean Stalk. This was a tap dance, which is my favorite. The main characters were Jack and his mother. The song that they danced to was â€Å"Hit the Road Jack†by Ray Charles. They 2 main dancers acted out the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk.      After every story, the 4-year-old group would come out and either does tap, ballet or jazz dances. I think that the crowd loved them the most because they are so little up on stage, and its funny watching them because they tend to forget their dances very easily.      The next 2 scenes were Cinderella and Humpy Dumpty. These 2 scenes were mixed into 2 dances. fairy tales :: essays research papers Fairy Tales      I love to see Professional Dances, such as ballet and Riverdance. But what is even better is seeing dancers who aren’t professionals. I love going to see Dance Studios Dance Recitals. What I really like about them is that it shows up much people like to dance, but doesn’t show true talent. Not to long ago I attended Dave Ragnacci’s School of Dance recital, Fairy Tales. This play was set up as if every scene was a fairy tale story. When the curtain opened, it started, as the dancers were all different fairy tale characters, such as Sleeping Beauty, Cinderella, Snow White, ect. Not only did I like to watch it, but also I could see that other children did too because of the story of the recital.      Every scene was different for each number. In the beginning all the character pretended to be sleeping, until the music started and they all joined together for the dance called â€Å"Never Ending Story†. The song was perfect for the opening because fairy tales are never ending stories, everyone likes to listen to them, read them and tell them. The second scene was the story of Snow White. The dance was a ballet, and the second dance was modern, which is an upbeat type of ballet. When the witch came out and danced the perfect song came on, Dark Lady by Cher. The dancers danced on toe shoes and played tambourines.      After that scene was over, the little 4 year old kids came out and act out the Snow White Scene. They were dressed as little dwarfs, all different colored costumes. They came out and danced with Snow White. They danced to â€Å"One Bad Apple†by Jackson 5.      The next scene was Jack and the Bean Stalk. This was a tap dance, which is my favorite. The main characters were Jack and his mother. The song that they danced to was â€Å"Hit the Road Jack†by Ray Charles. They 2 main dancers acted out the story of Jack and the Bean Stalk.      After every story, the 4-year-old group would come out and either does tap, ballet or jazz dances. I think that the crowd loved them the most because they are so little up on stage, and its funny watching them because they tend to forget their dances very easily.      The next 2 scenes were Cinderella and Humpy Dumpty. These 2 scenes were mixed into 2 dances.
Tuesday, September 17, 2019
Black Education in New York City during the 1830s Essay examples -- Af
An 1831 editorial in The Liberator made the perceptive observation that â€Å"a line, almost impassable, [was] drawn between the two races.†One might say that the â€Å"problem of the color line†had actually been identified over seventy years before W. E. B. Du Bois diagnosed it in 1903.The same editorial continued, â€Å"by law, or by custom, in much . . . of the country, [blacks] are in a great measure deprived of the lessons of education.In most . . . states they cannot vote, or be chosen to office.If aliens, they cannot be naturalized. . . . [Blacks] cannot mingle in society with . . . whites.†[i]Blacks were treated as second-class citizens.However, by the early 1830s northern blacks were deciding, whether it was in Boston, Philadelphia, Baltimore, or New York City, to actively challenge the racism within American society institutionally and lay claim to all the privileges of American citizenship.Various factors made the 1830s the decade when blacks would or ganize around education in an attempt to redraw the parameters of American citizenship.Among these were: emancipation in New York State in 1827, the founding of African American newspapers, abolition, and a strong commitment to the ideals of the Declaration of Independence and the U. S. Constitution. The emergence of a more militant abolitionist movement early in the decade refocused the northern antislavery struggle on the desire for immediate abolition and enlarged the arena for blacks to participate in civil society.However, in addition to participating in white antislavery organizations, such as William Lloyd Garrison’s American Anti-Slavery Society, black leaders advanced their own case for abolition through independent educational efforts.They knew that the main argument against... ...ed people†could see only African colonization as the solution for racial animus and black elevation.And African Americans were largely denied the opportunity to pursue education beyond the primary level.Middle-class blacks that did attempt to integrate themselves into the larger society were rebuffed at almost every turn, as they were often not accepted into white benevolent organizations, schools, or literary societies. The black community in New York City did not simply accept the current state of affairs with resignation.They believed that they, too, were included in the covenants that were the Declaration of Independence and the Constitution.As white political elites sold the widened electorate rhetoric of egalitarianism, black leaders took the claims of the equality of all humanity to heart and attempted to put the moral conscience of the nation to the test.
Monday, September 16, 2019
Offshoring Paper Essay
This article talks about a trend that started as far back as the 1980’s when companies began sending many jobs abroad mainly because of cheap labor. However, that trend is quickly changing. Companies are discovering that the wage gap is narrowing and many of the disadvantages are now starting to outweigh benefits of sending jobs abroad. One of the points mentioned in the article is that wages in china have risen 10-20% in the last 10 years, whereas wages in America and Europe have remained about the same. Also, another disadvantage of send production abroad is that shipping can be very expensive. In recent years shipping costs have gotten higher such that the cost of producing elsewhere and shipping to the US is no longer as cheap as it used to be. The time factor is also a big issue. Many times transit takes as long as six weeks which makes it hard for companies to fulfill their orders in a timely manner. In conclusion, the article makes a note that a lot of companies are now rethinking their decision about going offshore. Opinion Most of the companies went offshore to save money, and I can see where they are coming from after all the whole goal of having a business is to make profits however in my opinion many of the companies did not take the time to properly analyze the other costs involved in moving jobs offshore. Many also forgot to consider how it will affect the quality of their service when it comes to shipping time and sometimes the quality of the product. I am very happy that many jobs are coming back and I think the government needs to do more to encourage the companies. They should offer tax reductions where necessary so that America will be able to compete in the global market. I also like the point the article makes, that just because companies are tending towards reducing offshoring does not mean they will be less global, infact distributing their activities more evenly around the globe will make most companies more efficient.
Ijarah Ijarah means lease, rent or wage. Generally, Ijarah concept means selling benefit or use or service for a fixed price or wage. Under this concept, the Bank makes available to the customer the use of service of assets / equipments such as plant, office automation, motor vehicle for a fixed period and price. Advantages Of Ijarah The following are the advantages of Ijarah to lessee: 1)Ijarah conserves capital as it may provide 100% financing. 2)Ijarah enables the Lessee to have the use of the equipment on payment of the first rental.This is important since it is the use (and not ownership)of the equipment that generates income. 3)Ijarah arrangements are flexible because the terms and rental provision may be tailored to suit the needs of the Lessee. Therefore, it aids corporate planning and budgeting. 4)Ijarah is not borrowing and is therefore not required to be disclosed as a liability in the Balance Sheet of the Lessee. Being an â€Å"off balance sheet†financing, it is n ot included in the computation of gearing ratios imposed by bankers.The borrowing capacity of the Lessee is therefore not impaired when leasing is resorted to as a mean of financing. 5)All payments of rentals are treated as payment of operating expenses and are therefore, fully tax-deductible. Leasing therefore offers tax-advantages to profit making concerns. 6)There are many types of equipment, which becomes obsolete before the end of its actual economic life. This is particularly true in high technology equipment like computers.Thus the risk is passed onto the Lessor who will undoubtedly charge a premium into the lease rate to compensate for the risk. A Lessee may be willing to pay the said premium as an insurance against obsolescence. 7)If the equipment used is for a relatively short period of time, it may be more profitable to lease than to buy. 8)If the equipment is used for a short duration and the equipment has a very poor second hand value (resale value), leasing would be th e best method for acquisition
Sunday, September 15, 2019
Monitoring is the systematic and routine gathering of data from program and projects for four principle purposes as written in (World Bank, 1980), to gain from encounters to enhance practices and exercises later on (Ben, 2002), to have inner and outer responsibility of the assets utilized and the outcomes acquired, to get informed decisions on get on the future of the initiative and to promote empowerment of beneficiaries of the activity additionally discussed by (John and Khilesh, 2008). Evaluation is the assessing, as systematically and objectively as possible, a completed project or programme (or a period of a progressing undertaking or program that has been finished) Evaluations assess information and data that illuminate key choices, in this way enhancing the venture or program later on unmistakably shown by (Yang, Sun and Martin, 2008). From the perspective of (Pfohl, 1986), assessments should make inferences around five fundamental parts of the mediation: pertinence, adequacy, effectiveness, effect, and maintainability. As the global network struggle to improve the advancement results at the nation level, new difficulties emerge in the act of Monitoring and Evaluation (M&E). The ponder by (Mintzberg, 1994) trusts that the key arranging models for monitoring and evaluation of network-based undertakings of the 1970s, at last, failed in light of the fact that, they didn't recognize vital arranging and vital reasoning in monitoring and evaluation of network-based tasks. Citing to from (Miller, 1990), Citing from (Miller, 1990), and Mucai found in their research that the victories and strengths of some community-based projects can often be the cause of their future monitoring and evaluation strategic failure. A few journalists have clarified that despite the fact that numerous assets are put resources into the improvement of M;E frameworks, not every one of them really gets executed or regardless of whether they do, they are just in part actualized because of difficulties experienced amid usage (Groene and Branda 2006, 298). Mahmood et al (2011) indicated the intricacy and in addition poor understanding of M;E frameworks as one of the challenges experienced in its execution. In some cases, the implementation is described as being problematic, as issues such as improper operationalization of outcomes, makes it impossible to measure what is intended to be measured (Groene and Branda 2006, 299). Individual staff inside Organizations make varying understanding and assumptions about the M;E system and place different values on M;E, which results in various institutional rationales towards M;E framework and a more extensive hierarchical inability to quantify advance and think about results. There are additional difficulties among Organization in making an interpretation of wide authoritative objectives into particular task exercises, underscoring strains in execution and constraints in M;E practice (Catherine Benson Wahlà ©n 2014, pp. 77-88) The study by (RM Mthethwa, 2006) contend that; the primary challenges looked by numerous association is that the learning, abilities, and capability required for those aspiring and performing obligations identified with M;E of public projects is limited. Program authorities neglect to comprehend the significance of M;E at the neighbourhood government level of the different tasks. Along these lines, they have neglected to build up an institutional M;E framework (counting M;E designs, pointers and instruments). This uncovers albeit much has been accomplished as far as giving administrations to the larger part of recipients, much still should be done as far as preparing, workshops, exchange on M;E and how reasonable frameworks can be actualized at Organization level to upgrade service delivery. From (UNDP Evaluation site, 2011), its contend that there are a wide range of (delicate, hard and blended) factors that impact the achievement or disappointment of Monitoring and Evaluation system in network-based undertakings, going from the general population who convey or actualize the technique to the frameworks or systems set up for co-appointment and control. These variables should be distinguished and managed to guarantee productivity and viability in Monitoring and Evaluation arrangement of the network-based tasks as suggested by (John and Khilesh, 2008). A significant number of the tasks faces challenges in Monitoring and Evaluation of their activities because of numerous elements. This is as indicated by (Pfohl, 1986). According to Messah and Mucai in their paper, Factors Affecting the Implementation of Strategic Plans in Government Tertiary Institutions: A Survey of Selected Technical Training Institutes, as cited in(Finkelstein, 2003), maps four circumstances in which strategic planning for monitoring and evaluation of community-based projects failure is most likely to occur: Babbie and Mouton (2001, 342), in looking at dimensions of programme management and implementation, cited a number of issues that impact on the implementation of M;E systems. Issues raised include the competencies and abilities of the personnel who are to manage the implementation; the organizational structures available to create an enabling environment for the discharge of M;E duties, personality styles and attitudes of implementation staff (Babbie and Mouton 2001, 344). Despite these challenges, many organizations have begun to recognize the importance of M;E for two key reasons: accountability and improvement (Margoluis et al. 2009). Accountability-focused evaluation serves to ensure that organizations account financially for their activities and implement promised activities and usually stems from a formal process required by the donors. Improvement-focused evaluation aims to improve implementation and organizational, management or project effectiveness. This improvement- focused on understanding and challenges of M;E is the focus of these research. I define M;E as the process through which organizations evaluate their practices and outcomes according to their mission and objectives.
Saturday, September 14, 2019
Educate the child according to his way
When one hears the words â€Å" particular instruction, †they automatically think â€Å" disablement. †However, that is non the instance. There is an old stating â€Å" Educate the kid harmonizing to his manner, even in his old age he will non turn away from it †( Proverbs 22:6 ) . This adage had evolved over clip as the premiss for educating kids harmonizing to their single demands. The end of â€Å" particular instruction †as we know it today is to do acquisition accessible, relevant, and manageable for all kids. Children with particular demands frequently require individualised plans in order to larn. They can non maintain up with mainstream kids. The ends and impressions of Particular Education have progressed drastically over the old ages. From every bit early as the 1800 ‘s until today, pedagogues have been successful in polishing the course of studies and learning methods to profit the kids with disablements. In the yesteryear, those who were â€Å" different †did non have an instruction and the badly handicapped were frequently shunned or locked up or sent to the natural state to be torn apart by animate beings. Over clip, statute law and Torahs have reinforced for the right for each kid to have a just and optimal instruction. Any kid that has any signifier of cognitive, societal, communicative, emotional, behavioural, learning, physical or centripetal issues is entitled to individualise attending to heighten their learning experience. There have ever been kids with particular demands. However, for many old ages there were no schools or services available for them. Before the 19th century, during the Middle Ages, is was said that those persons who were mentally unstable were non held accountable for their ain actions or behaviours. Childs who were disabled were sent to refuges to be protected from the â€Å" barbarous universe †in which they did non suit. ( Fuller & A ; Olsen, 2008 ) . As the thoughts of democracy, single freedom and equalitarianism began to look in America and France, peoples attitudes changed. ( Hallahan, 1997 ) . The historical roots of particular instruction can be traced back to the early 1800 ‘s. Many modern-day instruction methods for kids with particular demands were used back so. ( Hallahan, 1997 ) . With the bend of the 19th century, things began to alter. In the early 1800 ‘s, Jean Marc Itard ( 1775-1838 ) , an Italian doctor and research worker for the deaf, found that acquisition is possible for anyone through â€Å" custodies on †experience in an environment that is decently stimulated. He is the individual whom most historiographers trace the beginning of particular instruction ( Hallahan, 1997 ) Three Frenchmans were researching in the forests and found a immature male child entirely, wholly wild and missing many accomplishments. They guessed the male child to be about 11 old ages old. He was taken to Paris, where he would be studied as an illustration of the human head in its cardinal province. The doctors who examined him declared that he was non â€Å" wild †instead the male child was mentally lacking. ( Plucker, 2007 ) No one agreed with Itard, nevertheless, he believed that the kid, Victor, the name he chose for the male child, was the manner he was because he had been populating in the wood for old ages and did non hold the proper attention. He claimed that Victor ‘s mental lack was due to the deficiency of human interaction. Itard believed that it can be overcome. He devoted the following five old ages to an individualised educational plan. This was the first illustration of an IEP, and the beginning of modern particular instruction. ( Plucker, 2007 ) Itard was successful in detecting many learning techniques that introduced many methods of direction to particular ed pedagogues. Subsequently, his pupil Edouard Sequin, brought this educational method to the US. During this clip, persons with disablements were put into restricting prisons without proper attention and nutrient. Many doctors such as Edouard Sequin, wanted to relieve the opprobrious ill-treatment from the people with disablements ( Ackerman, Jaeger, & A ; Smith, 2009 ) . In 1817, Thomas Gallaudet established the first institute for the deaf in Hartford, Connecticut which is now called â€Å" The American School for the Deaf. †In 1829, Samuel Gridley Howe ( 1801 – 1876 ) who graduated from Harvard Medical School in 1824, founded the â€Å" Perkins School for the Blind †in Watertown, Massachusetts in 1829. Howe was successful in learning Laura Bridgman, which had a large influence on the future instruction of Helen Keller ( Hallahan, 1997 ) . A miss like Helen Keller would hold ne'er imagined there to be a topographic point for her to larn. This was now a dream for Helen Keller. Anne Sullivan trained in Perkins School and turned Helen Kellers dark universe in to light. Sullivan enabled a blind, deaf, and muffle miss to pass on every bit best as she can with others. At the terminal of the 19th century, the authorities implemented juvenile tribunals and public assistance plans for both striplings and kids. Many particular categories were formed in many schools every bit good. However, many of the lesser disableme nts were non treated during this clip due to the fact that they were largely incognizant of these jobs unit subsequently on when the public school system evolved. The major focal point in the 1800 ‘s was chiefly on the terrible handicapped persons who suffered from mental deceleration, sightlessness, hearing loss, and emotional perturbations ( Myhill, 2008 ) . From 1817 to the beginning of the Civil war, more than 40 old ages, many provinces in the US set up schools for the blind, deaf, and mentally retarded or orphans. These schools tried to follow the ways of the European schools. In 1817, in Hartford, CT, the American Asylum for the Education and Instruction of the Deaf was opened. In 1959 the Massachusetts School for the Idiotic and Feebleminded Youth, now called the Fernald Development Center, was set up in Boston. ( Kirk, 2006 ) . The particular category for deaf kids was in a public school in Boston in 1869. Approximately 30 old ages subsequently, a particular category for the mentally retarded was organized in Providence, Rhode Island. In 1899, a category for kids with physical damages opened followed by a category in Chicago for kids who were blind. ( Kirk, 2006 ) . At the bend of the 20th century, pedagogues began to concentrate a batch more on the function of particular instruction. In the early 1900 ‘s, the figure of particular instruction categories drastically increased. There was more of an accent on mental wellness and kid clinics. In add-on, the rise in psychological science began and the usage of mental trials resulted in the growing for new surveies and methods in every country of particular instruction. In 1922, the Council for Exceptional Children was formed. This was the start of many establishments and organisations that would alter the instruction for particular demands people in America. In 1930 many parents gathered to organize a group on a national degree. In 1950, this group was subsequently known as the National Association for Retarded Citizens. In 1963 they developed the Association for Children with Learning Disabilities. ( Ackerman, Jaeger, & A ; Smith, 2009 ) . These new thoughts of instruction prompted many people to recommend for particular demands kids. Up until the 1930 ‘s, many believed that heavy concern should non be placed on persons who failed to maintain up with the criterions of a schoolroom. However, at this point, many were recognizing the deficiency of their ability that it was non the kids mistake. Yet, with the proper stimulation, they can win. ( Government, 2002 ) . In add-on, the book â€Å" The Child Who Never Grew †by Pearl Buck, stole the Black Marias of many parents and fostered the parental support groups. The book describes the experience of raising a kid with mental deceleration. It provided parents encouragement that they were non entirely, and that there were many others sing the same thing as they were. ( Fuller & A ; Olsen, 2008 ) . In 1954, the classical instance of Brown vs. Board of Ed took topographic point. This instance had a major impact on pupils with disablements. ( Pardini, 2002 ) The tribunals began to reconsider the rights of minority citizens in many different ways. One of the most influential advocators for the rise in particular instruction would be President Franklin D. Roosevelt. He demonstrated that person wheelchair edge can still execute expeditiously despite their disablement. Further more, while in office, President John F. Kennedy established the Task Force on National Action to Combat Mental Retardation, the President ‘s Commission on Mental Retardation, and the Bureau of Education for the Handicapped, which is now the office of Particular Education Programs. Turning up with a mentally sick sister, he strongly influenced the development of particular instruction, while stressing the importance of the right for those with disablements to a full chance of instruction. ( Fuller & A ; Olsen, 2008 ) . By 1975, the Education for all Handicapped Children Act, besides known as Public Law, and the FAPE, free appropriate public instruction, were implemented. They established the footing for instruction reform for babies through striplings with disablements and enabled pupils with disablements to assist fund the heavy costs for services. ( History of Spec ial Education, 2003 ) . It besides provided the same rights for instruction for pupils with disablements and those regular mainstream kids. ( Kiss, 2006 ) . In 1977 the EAHCA, Education of all Children Act was actualized. It stated that the Torahs protecting kids with disablements the right to free instruction, the FAPE. This besides included that pupils should be placed in the last restrictive environment LRE, and proper arrangement harmonizing to their demands. Teachers worked together with the kid and frequently used alternate methods or allowed the kid some excess clip to finish the assignment. Some schools set aside resource room to assist weaker kids one on one. This backfired because frequently kids who were pulled out were looked at as â€Å" different †and many â€Å" regular †instructors slacked off with their duties of their particular demands kids. ( Berger, 2005 ) . In 1990, to work out this job, the construct of â€Å" inclusion †was created. Th is was an attack in educating kids with particular demands in which they are included in regular schoolrooms with â€Å" appropriate AIDSs and services †as required by jurisprudence ( Berger, 2005 ) . This led up to the enlargement of the IDEA, the Persons with Disabilities Education Act in 1990. The IDEA is responsible for over six million kids having particular services today. ( History of Special Education, 2003 ) . The incredible advancements of past pedagogues in particular instruction were of import edifice blocks to what particular instruction has become today. What exists today in Particular Education is from the difficult work of pedagogues and parents of the old centuries. Today over two hundred thousand immature kids and 598,922 pre schoolers are having services through the Board of Education as of 2001. ( Fuller & A ; Olsen, 2008 ) . Particular instruction services are made to concentrate on the person in order to guarantee that the kid is maximising their full potency. It consists of either one on one little group direction, learning alterations, and physical, address or businesss therapies. Each kid is provided with an Individualized Education Program, or IEP, which targets the ends and demands for each specific kid. The schools must supply one-year advancement studies in functional and academic accomplishments. ( Fuller & A ; Olsen, 2008 ) . While seeking to keep inclusion schoolroom s, schools besides have to do certain they are run intoing the demands for the province appraisals. To reason, particular instruction has gone through a enormous sum of alterations. In the 1700 ‘s and early 1800 ‘s, there was no such thing as educating an exceeding kid. In add-on, instructors had small preparation in binding to understand the universe of a kid with disablements. ( Johnson, Dupuis, Musial, Hall, & A ; Gollnick, 1999 ) .However, in the 20th century, that began to alter quickly. Today, instructors are trained in specific countries and work with these kids to break their opportunities in taking a successful life. There is a uninterrupted sum of attempt put in to assisting those who needed excess aid. In is unfortunate that the exceeding had to endure so much for particular instruction to go a world. Hopefully we will go on to keep the advancement in the hereafter.
Friday, September 13, 2019
Protagonist Analysis Paper Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Protagonist Analysis Paper - Essay Example In fact, Jackie’s hatred extends to influence Anne into hating Isabella who later became a truly loving stepmother. Anne depicts strong attachment to Jackie and is unready to accept anything from Isabella. Anne considers Isabella as one responsible for the separation of Jackie and Luke that broke the family. Ben on the other hand seems to love Isabella and mostly accepts directives and help from her, but also depicts strong attachment to Jackie. Luke enjoys strong attachment to the children and rarely wants them to stay with Jackie. Even though separated, Luke confesses his love and friendliness to Jackie and cites children as the central reasons for the feelings. He tries hard to create understanding between Jackie and Isabella so that the former can entrust her children under the care of the latter. Isabella commits and spends most of her social time trying to familiarize with the children. Ben is responding well to Isabella’s struggles but Anne distances even more, a nd creating pursuer-distancer scenario (Nichols, 2013). In the movie, the family including the entrant Isabella involve in different forms of attachments. To begin with, the attachment between Ben and Jackie is healthy. This is evident through the fact that Ben is ready to separate from the mother and survive with a stranger, who in this case is Isabella. The healthy attachment that Ben has with the mother enables him to live a normal and happy life and even integrate well with Isabella (Nichols, 2013). At some point, Ben enjoys Isabella reading him a storybook. When Isabella persuades Ben to sleep, the boy refuses and compels the future stepmother to read him the book. Isabella feels soothed and sleeps when she asks Ben to read her the same book until the boy runs to the sister’s room claiming to have killed Isabella. The attachment between the children and Luke is also healthy considering that the children are
Thursday, September 12, 2019
A simple convenient DNA collection and storage method for GWAS Essay
A simple convenient DNA collection and storage method for GWAS analysis using FTA - Essay Example Fujita (2006). It comprises of a cellulose-based matrix containing chemicals for cell lysis and nucleic acid preservation. The chemicals are activated when a biological fluid contacts the surface. An additional feature of this chemical treatment is bacterial and viral inactivation. Not only are the biosamples protected from microbial growth contamination, but the user is also protected from any potential biohazards present in the biosample. These features make FTA paper an ideal medium for transporting bioamples at room temperature without the requirement of a biohazard shipping label. FTA paper is a commonly used substrate for DNA storage in a number of industries such as pharmaceutics, law enforcement, agriculture and governmental regulatory agencies. This medium has been available commercially for a number of years by Whatman Inc., who have demonstrated that DNA stored on FTA paper has a long, useful lifetime. In fact, suitability for use of DNA recovered from up to seventeen year-old biosamples in human identification assays has been demonstrated, inarguably. and aniline dyes; or liver tumours and vinyl chloride). The high prevalence of limb malformations in newborns in the late 1950s was ultimately found to be due to the mothers’ ingestion of thalidomide during pregnancy. German National Ethics Council (2004). However genetic epidemiology studies not individuals but population groups. Biobanks serve as large molecular repositories where a large amount of data in the form of DNA from diverse sources can be compared. For example, the United Kingdom BioBank intends to archive the genetic material of 5,00,000 individuals as mentioned in UK Biobank literature. Large series of samples from donors (several hundred to several thousand) with a given multifactorial hereditary condition – such as hypertension, cancer, diabetes, asthma or epilepsy – are compared with corresponding series from healthy donors. The
Wednesday, September 11, 2019
Evaluation of an argument through analysis Essay - 1
Evaluation of an argument through analysis - Essay Example To aggrandize on this judgment, it is wise to relate the aspect of rational and irrational factors; while the latter can be related to women, it can as well be used to justify why women speak much. Irrational persons tend not to take close precaution while speaking and factors can be related to their superior speaking techniques which in most cases are situation and theoretically assembled (Holmes, 38). Nevertheless, rational talk attributed to men is based on attributes of honesty, factual and being concise. However, Holmes argument is not based on the amount of words spoken but on the quality of the talk. She challenges women to construct a formidable talk in order to counter balance patriarchy. Primarily, Holmes present women talk based on social factors such as friendship and trivial relationships, compared to male talk which focused on critical global arguments. To justify the above description, it is wise to note that Holmes essay is based empirical evidence in critical examina tion based on science, environment and demagogy principles. The essay has applied strong literature dogmas; for instance, of humor, proverbs, imagery/ symbolism, simile/ metaphors and as well borrowing close examples. This essay will counter examine Holmes essay by; firstly, close checking on the claim and subsidiary claims. Secondly, the essay will base its principles on hilarious practical evidence presented. Thirdly, the essay will examine on technical presentation applied by Holmes; primarily focusing on opposing views, credibility, language, organization and the tone of the essay. Finally, the conclusion will establish whether the argument â€Å"women talk too much is valid†. Claim What is the main claim presented in the essay? Is it clearly stated the essay does it reflect the purpose of the essay The main claim in the essay is the argument against the quality of talk compared between sexes and what governs the talk. While men uses talk to exemplify power, women uses ta lk to express emotions and relations. Women are more interested on trivial elements; for instance, of how the society perceive them as individuals and not what men argues out; how the society perceive the general concept life and how it affects mankind, what are the necessary changes and solutions to challenges. The essay categorizes men as discreet and in very unique cases they would speak out their problems but women are more interested in speaking out their lives to access comfort. According to Holmes (43), men are interested in presenting a certain social point of view and debating on it, while women are more concerned whether the point of view does directly affect them What are subsidiary claims presented in the essay? In other words what claims are used to support the main claim? Are the claims clear and valid? And they related to the main claim? Holmes aggrandizes on the main point of view, literature aspects have been categorically employed to empower the main point. Subsidi ary claims presented stretch from literature, psychological, gender and biological claims. For instance, according to the essay women are more interested to hear their own voice than the validity of what they are talking about. Consequently, biological claims prove that; while a male is developing before conception, the testosterone hormone alters the brain (Brizendine, 2011 56). The hormone is significant in
Tuesday, September 10, 2019
Athletes drug use Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words
Athletes drug use - Essay Example Covered in the subsequent paragraphs are types of drugs abused by athletes, reasons as to why they abuse drugs, associated effects, policies and punishments and finally, possible solutions to the problem. The sole aim of one taking part in a sporting completion, just like is the case with any other kind of completion is to emerge victorious. However, sometimes the prediction of the outcome may leave the competitor feel like he/she has already lost to his/her opponents even before the real competition. This is the main drive behind use of drugs by some athletes, just to ensure that they emerge winners and land their hands on the gold medal for their country while at the same time ensuring personal accomplishment satisfaction. . The former refers to the kinds of drugs which are usually taken with the aim of one getting the ability to perform better especially in athletics. With respect to Examples of PEDs include stimulants, human growth hormone (HGH), anabolic steroids, erythropoietin and diuretics (Audran et al, 1999). The second type of drugs (recreational drugs) comprise of those drugs, usually narcotic which are taken for the purpose of helping an individual alter his/her mood. In other words, these are drugs which are taken non-medically for the purpose of enjoyment and not because one is sick. Examples of drugs other this category include psychedelic mushrooms, cannabis, barbiturates, opium, amphetamines and heroin. An athlete will feel satisfied if at the completion of the game it turns out that he/she emerged the winner. However, as it is obvious, one cannot be said to have won the race if he/she has not yet taken part in a given completion. It is both the victorious feeling associated with winning and the intense feeling of competition that leaves some athletes with no option but to abuse some certain drugs. When an athlete wins a race, he/she is sure of taking home (to his/her home country) a medal, getting a good
Monday, September 9, 2019
Star project Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1250 words
Star project - Research Paper Example Its projected Galactic orbit conveys it between 25,100 and 30,600 light years from the middle of the Galaxy. Historically, the entire heavenly bodies were regarded as stars by astrologers. Therefore, the terminology ‘stars’ comprised of stars, planets, comets, meteors among others. However, as time went by, astrologers were able to differentiate stars from the rest of heavenly bodies. Of particular interest are the Stars of the Northern Hemisphere. These stars show three major panels of all the constellations that can be observed from Europe, Canada, the United States and Asia. Humanity tends to identify with the stars with each individual having an interest with a peculiar star. The process of choosing a star has been lengthy and time consuming due to the interest in the topic. Each star seems to portray some unique history which is amazing and interesting, most stars have some distinct features and fantastic history; each of them is of equal importance. Amongst the stars whish have been of key interest to persons are proper, Bayer, Flamsteed and Catalog. However, I have per sonally developed a liking for star Mintaka which I closely attribute it to my individuality. Therefore, this research paper will focus on this particular star , giving a detailed description of its characteristics. Mintaka is a star in the constellation Orion, with a bayer designation of Delta Orionis and flamsteed designation of 34 Orionis. Three stars are found in the orion to form the ‘the belt of orion’. The three stars in the belt of orion are the following, mintaka which means ‘belt’, Alnilam meaning ‘a belt of pearls’ and Alnitak which means girdle. The three are believed to have formed from the system nebulas in the Orion constellation. The stars form a row, mintaka is to the west, alnilam is at the centre and alnitak is to the east. Among the three, alnilam is the brightest followed by mintaka and finally alnitak (Ashland Astronomy
Sunday, September 8, 2019
Short answers Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Short answers - Essay Example An economist would advice a firm making accounting profits to close down because accounting profits is arrived at by subtracting only explicit costs from the total revenue. This rejects implicit costs hence inaccuracy of the profits (Aspers, 2011). (b) Why normal profit is the long run outcome for a firm under perfect competition When a firm is making economic profits, other firms will find the markets competitive hence mass entry into the market. This causes the supply curve to shift to the right, which results into a drop of the prices hence profits, are cancelled. The firm will in the end exhibit normal profits as an outcome under perfect competition (Aspers, 2011). (c) Characteristics of both monopolistic and monopoly competition, their advantages and disadvantages Characteristics of monopolistic competition are; there exist a large number of buyers and sellers, they exhibit price differentiation, free entry and exit of firms and high selling costs are incurred. Monopoly on the o ther hand exhibits characteristics such as the existence of only one firm in the market; they are price takers since they are the only producers. They have the advantage of controlling the whole market and therefore dictate the prices. The only disadvantage is that they are constrained by their own demand curves. Monopolistic case has several advantages; the most peculiar is that they are able to command a large market base. The market is disadvantaged in that stiff competition may threaten its operations in the market (Aspers, 2011). 4. (a) Graph of Fiscal policy and deflationary gap Deflationary gap happens when the actual output (Y) is below the natural output (Yn); this is as shown in the figure above. To correct the deflationary gap expansionary fiscal policy has to be used. The government does this through increasing government spending; alongside this, the government taxation has to be reduced. The result of employing the expansionary fiscal policy acts to shift the aggregate demand curve to coincide with the natural output and therefore real GDP is increased. Deflationary gap is caused when the investment spending goes down hence it is simply solved when the government increases it investment spending such as spending on infrastructure (Buti, 2003). (b) How fiscal and monetary used to address deflationary gap affects balance of payment Fiscal policy tools used to such as increased taxation will make the costs of local goods to be expensive. When the local goods become expensive balance shifts from favoring importation. When imports are more than exports, there is unfavorable balance of payment, which is harmful to the economy. In addition, monetary policies to correct deflationary gap is that aimed at increasing money supply, which leads to an increase in prices. Increase in prices causes local goods to be equally expensive leading to increased importation hence unfavorable balance of payment. Such negative impacts of balance of payment occur when the economy is at the helm of growth (Buti, 2003). 6. (a) Reasons for holding money There are three major reasons for holding money; transactionery motive, precautionary motive and speculative motive. For transactionery motive, money is held to undertake daily transactions mostly on basics. Money is also held to handle any future unfortunate occurrences anticipated in the future. Speculators are investors who anticipate that assets will be attractive in the near future hence hold money to take advantage of such (Dobeck, MF &
Saturday, September 7, 2019
Succession Planning of A.C. Milan Research Paper
Succession Planning of A.C. Milan - Research Paper Example The soccer team plays in Series A league. A.C. Milan was established in 1899 by Herbert Kilpin and Alfred Edwards among others. The soccer team has its entire history in the top Italian football flight with an exception of 1982–83 and 1980–81seasons popular as Serie A between1929–30 (Singer, 2010). The club’s owner is former Prime Minister of Italy with a controlling shareholding by Mediaset Silvio Berlusconi as well as Adriano Galliani, the vice-president. The soccer team is ranked as a wealthy and most valuable asset in the Italian, as well as world football. The soccer team was one of the founding members of G-14 group (now-defunct) in Europes leading football clubs as well as the replacement, European Club Association. Milans subsequent seasons of success were derived from the former player, Carlo Ancelotti. His November 2001 appointment allowed Ancelotti to take Milan to 2003 Champions League final. However, the soccer team was defeated Juventus through penalty shoot-out to secure the sixth European Cup for the club. The members won scudetto between 2003 and 2004 prior reaching 2005 Champions League final (Hastings, 2014). The focus also started with a beating from Liverpool through penalties irrespective of the lead of 3–0 during half time. Mission: â€Å"To maintain the balance of management and of accounts both to support sporting excellence and the activities associated with the expectations of our clients and our stakeholders. The economic and financial management oriented to structural sustainability must be in compliance with the provisions of UEFA Financial Fair Play†Changes in the soccer teams include movement in diversified lines of business, alternate global markets, and new technology demanding for new attitudes among soccer soccer team managers and with different competencies, talents and qualifications the A.C Milan soccer team believes in career development among the
Role Model Essay Example for Free
Role Model Essay Dr King is my role model because he fought to change my history. Dr King didn’t only want to see a change happen for his self and others but also for his family. He had a wife Coretta and four children; these were the people who he wanted to see change happen for the most. After King’s death is family wanted to keep his legacy alive because they knew he stood for a good cause. According to the article A king family tribute â€Å"Family and friends remember Dr. King as a role model and dedicate themselves to his mission. Watkins, Dr. Kings niece, has assembled their writings and excerpts from their speeches. All pay tribute to his spirit, abiding faith and dedication to the cause of civil rights, and they affirm their own commitment to following the path he walked, as his nephew, Derek B. King, states. Kings fathers remarks are excerpted from his autobiography. Dr King is my personal role model because is stood for what he believed in. Dr king helped shape my worldview because through his hard work he’s shown me that nothing worth fighting for comes easy. I think a lot of people look over the fact that Dr King wasn’t just trying to change the race problem it stood of many different social issues. In the article Martin Luther King Jr conception of freedom and radical democracy the author states that â€Å"king came to believe that the civil rights struggle needed to expand beyond just racial desegregation in this country, He began to raise his voice against racism militarism, and economic exploitation around the world†. This is another reason why I look up to him because he didn’t only focus on one hing that needed to be changed so saw the importance of these issues and wanted to change them. Dr. king had a career as a pastor which is why I feel he never gave up believing in what he thought was right. The article Martin Luther King cover story gives background on his life â€Å"King was a preacher who spoke in biblical cadences ideally suited to leading a stride toward freedom that found its inspiration in the Old Testament story of the Israelites and the New Testament gospel of Jesus Christ. Being a minister not only put King in touch with the spirit of the black masses but also gave him a base within the black church, then and now the strongest and most independent of black institutions†. Like Dr King I believe that everyone should have the right to freedom and equal rights ; However, I don’t know if I could have endured the things that Dr king had to. Once Dr King was thrown in jail because of his protest, I think if I knew I could go to jail because I was protesting I wouldn’t protest. On the other Dr King who have pathed the way for me to be able to use my freedom of speech. I would want to be brave and stand for what I believe in for myself and my family just as King did. Reference MARTIN LUTHER KING JR. A King Family Tribute. (2012). Kirkus Reviews, 80(24), 222. Orosco, J. M. (2001). Martin Luther King, Jr. ’s Conception of Freedom and Radical Democracy. Journal Of Social Philosophy, 32(4), 386-401. White, J. E. (1998). Martin Luther King. (Cover story). Time, 151(14), 160.
Friday, September 6, 2019
Puerto Rico Essay Example for Free
Puerto Rico Essay The most magnificent place I’ve ever been is Puerto Rico. With its breath taking landscapes and the calm serenity of the ocean; Puerto Rico is one of the most relaxing and gorgeous places I’ve ever been. The mixes of several different Latin styles play a huge role in not only the music and dancing of Puerto Rico but, also the style of the wardrobe. The best part of Puerto Rico though is the amazing experience and adventures I’ve been on. Puerto Rico has some of the most beautiful landscapes I’ve ever seen. In San Juan P. R, there are many under water caves. The cave are hidden by the green plants and leaves that stretch from the grown to the top of mountains and, surrounded in brown and green furry moss. The fresh water sparkles in the spots of light from the top of the cave. The water gives the clearest reflection like a mirror. When you look above all you can see are scattered rays of light and snake like veins hung like icicles along the cave roof. There are an array of fresh water fish that dance along the bottom of the river. The caves are almost as beautiful as the beaches in Isabella P. R. The only thing you can hear along the beach is the sound of the waves crashing toward the shore. The waves merge to the shore line as the ocean water flows back and forth, rocking along the shore. The water fades from a clear blue to a heart of the ocean sapphire blue. Billions upon billions of black and brown grains and minerals are spread throughout the beach. The view is something you have to see to believe. The sounds of bongos and brass instruments echo throughout the night. Puerto Ricos unique mix of Caribbean and south American sound turn into Puerto Rico Own music and dance called salsa. The sound hits the heart of people everywhere with its smooth jazzy sound and its upbeat dance. Salsa dancers and there partners dance the night away in the streets of Puerto Rico. The women dress in stunning traditional dresses. Wearing all white floor length dresses with hand sewn beats across the bodice and, hand sewn designs along the train of the dress. There hair is neatly tucked into a ballet bun with a red rose on the side. The men are dressed in all black. As they begin to dance throughout the Streets they bow to there partners with grace and elegance. There feet move at 1,000 steps a minute as there face remains the same. You can see the pure passion and enjoyment in there faces as they glide down the streets never looking down once. They are as graceful as gazelles but as energetic as a child. Never breaking a sweat they dance until the sun comes up. The only thing thats better than the gorgeous scenery and the amazing and unique sound of Puerto Rico is the exciting activities. In Puerto Rico Ive went deep sea diving, para sailing, and hiking. When I went deep sea diving all I saw was clear blue water and gorgeous yellow and blue striped fish. There was sponge like coral. The sea went on for miles but looked like it was only a few feet deep. Para sailing was both frightening and exciting. I felt like a bird flying through the sky. The wind flew through my face as my feet glided across the water making huge ripples in the water. Hiking and sight seeing was the most fun of all. Hiking in the forest of Aguadilla, Puerto Rico was an amazing experience. The forrest was covered in green leaves reaching the sky, there were stunning white and red flowers. There was no cell phone service and all I heard in the forrest was the sound of coquis singing at night. Puerto Rico is the most magnificent place Ive ever been. The caves and beaches created a calm place to gather your thoughts and be close to nature. The music and dancing were an amazing way to view the culture of Puerto Rico and the activities are as exciting as can be.
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