Victorian writing paper
Wednesday, August 26, 2020
Romeo And Juliet Deaths Essays - Characters In Romeo And Juliet
Romeo And Juliet Deaths Who Is To Blame For The Deaths Of Romeo And Juliet? Romeo and Juliet is a catastrophe around two star crossed sweethearts whose adoration can't separated them from their two fighting families. In this paper I will state who or what are liable for their demises, the fundamental topic of the story is disdain and destiny. Right off the bat I should present the two families in light of the fact that their demeanor of disdain is liable for the passings basically provided that they hadn't squabbled then perhaps Romeo and Juliet wouldn't have hitched stealthily. Bringing about the quarrel all the individuals propagated the quarrel this is shown by Tybalt from the Capulet family, Juliet's cousin, he began the battle that brought about Romeo getting expelled and he was continually raising a ruckus. He more than any one else in the story kept contempt alive between the two families due to his savagery. I too accuse Lord and Lady Capulet, Juliet's folks since they ought to have paid more regard for Juliet's desires when she wouldn't wed Paris. From the outset they took steps to toss her out onto the boulevards as in Act three Scene 5 Capulet says to Juliet Thursday is close to lay hand on heart and you be mine, Sick offer you to my companion, and you to be not, hang, ask, starve, bite the dust in the avenues. Lady Capulet additionally put her girl under the watchful eye of the Nurse who raised Juliet as her substitute little girl. The Nurse being a bigmouth out spoken individual was likewise answerable for the passing of Juliet. She never recognized that perhaps Juliet wasn't prepared for this huge advance in her life from an on looker watchman. In Act two-Scene four the Nurse cautions Romeo to be consistent with Juliet and she clarifies there is another man after her Paris she thinks about the two. She says to Romeo that her Juliet is sweet well sir my fancy woman is best woman, master o there is an honorable man around Paris. She energized Juliet in her sentiment with Romeo on the grounds that the activity of her being a bigmouth is that she conveyed the messages of a mystery meeting of where she realized that they where going to go through a night of enthusiasm together in Act three Scene two she says to Juliet hie to your chamber Ill discover Romeo to comfort you behold ye, your Romeo will be here throughout the night She exhorted Juliet to wed Paris, realizing she was at that point wedded to Romeo. I likewise accuse Friar Lawrence who was the individual that took these recently met licentious youngsters into their marriage, since Romeo and Juliet where two kids were hitched unexpectedly early and at a youthful age this made them unfit to settle on they're own choices. This announcement can be demonstrated about Romeo since when he was expelled he roared like a child the Medical caretaker needed to make youthful Romeo act like a man just to consider Juliet rather than himself. The principle purpose behind Friar Lawrence's choice to wed the two is wrong is on the grounds that he figured this may assist with making the two families stop battling in Act two Scenes six Friar Lawrence says, till sacred church fuse two of every one. At long last this was demonstrated to be the inspiration for the two kids murdering themselves he additionally gave Juliet the resting elixir Act four Scene one take this vial, being sleeping and this refined alcohol drink thou off. Presently I should present The Prince leader of Verona where the story is set. The Prince had the ability to act to stop the fight between the two families. It was unjustified of him to send Romeo away from Verona as a discipline for slaughtering Tybalt when the battling was Tybalt's own shortcoming for murdering Mercutio in Act three Scene three he says henceforth from Verona workmanship thou exiled: taking thy part, hath rushd aside the law and turn'd that dark word into expulsion. Mercutio had an effect on Romeo as a result of his companion transport, Mercutio's disposition to the squabbles and battling exacerbated things. He saw the quarrel as a game and that disposition drove him to his demise and Romeo's expulsion. Indeed in spite of the fact that I am censuring sure individuals for the terrible passings of Romeo and Juliet I need to think about that Romeo and Juliet had an effect on there own destinies. Right off the bat, I will accuse Romeo since he acted too hurriedly all through the story what's more, he was a romancer in light of the fact that the opening of
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Punishment for Crime should be Individualized Essay
Wrongdoing and the disciplines for violations have been the subject of discussions for centuries.â When asked, a great many people would state that individuals who perpetrate violations ought to be rebuffed for it somehow or another. When choosing anyway what sort of discipline ought to be given to the guilty party, is the point at which the discussion begins.â The purpose behind the discussion comes about on the grounds that there are critical contrasts in how individuals see discipline and what disciplines ought to be utilized for various wrongdoings. The vast majority battle with the subject of what sort of discipline is reasonable for the offender.â previously, individuals have now and again been dealt with distinctively for fundamentally the same as wrongdoings, this made surprise among the individuals who shouted out for equivalent treatment for everyone.â What those individuals neglect to acknowledge is that equivalent isn't generally fair.â Although some level of structure in condemning is required, there ought to be some breathing space gave so as to individualize the sentence to â€Å"make the discipline fit the particular crime†.  In request to figure out what is viewed as reasonable and equivalent discipline, the initial step is to distinguish what discipline is. One meaning of discipline is the intentional curse of physical damage on a wrongdoer or his property without his assent since he is a guilty party, yet for reasons other than self-protection (Halliday, Appendix B.).â In the lawful framework, discipline is dispensed upon a wrongdoer as an immediate consequence of negative practices to prevent future practices these are called sentences.â Different citizenry anyway have various thoughts of what sort of discipline is reasonable.  What a few people feel is reasonable and similarly as a specific discipline for wrongdoing, others feel is unfeeling and harsh.  During a few periods ever, sentences for wrongdoings were not reasonably and similarly distributed to all citizens.â People with higher network status were here and there given lighter or no sentences for violations that others were cruelly rebuffed for.â Due to the distinctions in condemning and an expanding crime percentage, changes in the law and disciplines were required (Lehrer).In an endeavor to make condemning reasonable for everybody, President Ronald Reagan passed a Comprehensive Crime Control Bill on October 12, 1984 (Kaufman, 1). Through this, â€Å"the Sentencing Reform Act of 1984†made â€Å"The United States Sentencing Commission†which built up a lot of condemning rules for explicit crimes.â These rules made compulsory condemning for any individual who perpetrated certain violations, which removed all capacity for the adjudicator or jury to individualize sentences for people or for singular wrongdoings (Kaufman, 1).â Although these rules were created with honest goals to furnish the normal and oppressed with indistinguishable rights from the affluent, there are different factors in violations that were not thought about. Not all wrongdoings are made equal.â Murder is clearly a more genuine offense than burglary and ought not have similar outcomes and not many individuals would contend that the results ought to be the same.â The issue of reasonableness turns out to be a greater amount of an issue when the final product of the violations are similar.â The intention or reason for the wrongdoing anyway may have been totally different.â While it is anything but difficult to state that a discipline ought to be less extreme for taking gems than for somebody who takes a human life.â The results anyway are the equivalent for an individual who shoplifts a CD to abstain from paying for it and an individual who takes a container of soup to take care of a destitute family.â Because the final product is the equivalent the law necessitates that the guilty parties be rebuffed similarly, however the thought process for the situation is very different.â The equivalent is genuine when contrasting an indiv idual who submits murder over a terrible medication bargain contrasted with a lady who executes her better half following quite a while of enduring maltreatment.  Because the condemning rules depend on the final product of the wrongdoing, inspiration isn't considered.â Judges are required to pass sentence dependent on the obligatory sentence.   Even over portion of the Federal Judges would decided to take out the compulsory condemning rules and 82.8 percent accept that judges would be better and increasingly effective at picking the sentence for violations (Pratt, 1). In the event that the rules were killed or if nothing else changed, the adjudicators, juries or parole sheets would have more opportunity to think about extraordinary conditions behind the criminal behavior.â This would reintroduce the opportunities for certain errors or individual inclinations, yet it likewise takes into consideration some tolerance for wrongdoings with less criminal inspiration. The issue with compulsory rules has ventured to such an extreme as to attack the government funded school system.â In schools, it is known as the zero-resilience policy.â This arrangement was brought into most government funded schools after the taking shots at the Columbine, Colorado secondary school and the expanded number of acts of mass violence that followed.â This approach expresses that any kid, who carries a weapon to class, threatens to or hurts different understudies, or demonstrates antagonistic ideation will be punished.â The discipline ranges from suspension to real criminal accusations. The reason behind the strategy is to take all dangers seriously.â The issue with it is that youngsters are no longer permitted to be children.â When kids blow up they regularly compromise them, yet because of the approach kids are getting suspended from school and captured for pulling pictures of weapons and for utilizing dinnerware to strip oranges for lunch (Dart, 1).â These principles, similar to the required sentence rules for grown-ups takes the entirety of the good judgment and reason out of relegating ramifications for different practices. In January of 2005 a Supreme Court choice gave some want to the eventual fate of reasonable sentencing.â The court administering announced compulsory rules illegal (Edelstein, 1).â This gives the appointed authorities somewhat more opportunity to utilize desertion.â The required sentences are as yet the default sentence, however dependent on the conditions encompassing the case, the adjudicator has the option to control outside of the rules if fitting (Edelstein,1).â In these cases the adjudicator can give lighter sentences to individuals whose extraordinary circumstances drove them to carry out a wrongdoing they in any case would not have thought of. Compulsory sentences regularly additionally incorporate parole rules which order when in the sentence a criminal may be qualified for parole or if parole is even an opportunity.â In situations where a detainee can not ever be qualified for parole, there is almost no inspiration for the individual to utilize constructive conduct while incarcerated.â The individual in these cases have no desire for getting a decreased sentence in light of benefits achieved while in prison.â By giving the adjudicators to pick the sentence, parole can be made a greater amount of an alternative to rouse crooks to pick recovery as opposed to proceeding to have issues during the time in prison.â This would help lead to more individuals effectively being rehabilitated.â By giving more detainees the chance to diminished sentences and restoration, there would be fundamentally to a lesser extent an issue with jail packing. Despite the fact that the rules for condemning were made to make the lawful framework and criminal disciplines more pleasant for everybody, they have gone to the outrageous and are presently making hurt some people.â A lawful framework that gave extraordinary treatment to the rich and acclaimed wasn't right, however a lawful framework that requires terribly manhandled ladies to experience a similar sentence as a youngster executioner is similarly as wrong.â There ought to be some fundamental rules, and yet there ought to be arrangements in which the thought process of the wrongdoing and the foundation behind the wrongdoing ought to be taken into consideration.â There is nothing of the sort as a â€Å"cookie cutter†wrongdoing and there ought not be uniform disciplines to for the violations. Each individual will be individual and when an individual carries out a wrongdoing, a brief period should be taken to decide the best and best discipline for that crime.â Some individuals would profit more from network administration or treatment than being placed in jail.â Prison much of the time demonstrates just to solidify individuals and makes an individual more averse to have the option to enough adjust to society after coming back to it.â Parents who have more than one kid don't train the entirety of the youngsters similarly for comparable practices, in light of the fact that various outcomes are increasingly successful for various people.â Based on this reality, the condemning rules should be reconsidered and adjusted to be certain that the most ideal result is given for every person and every offense.  Works Cited Edelstein, Jonathan. â€Å"Sentence Structure†31 August 2005 26 February, 2008. <Sentence structure (The Head Heeb)> Dart, Andrew. â€Å"Zero Tolerance versus Regular Sense†19 December 2008. 25, February 2008 <Zero-resilience versus normal sense> Lehrer, Eli. â€Å"Soft Cell†. 9 June, 2003. 25, February 2008 < AEI †Short Publications> Pratt, Robert. â€Å"Senseless Sentencing: a Federal Judge Speaks Out†. 10 January 1999.  â â â â â â â â â â Des Moines Register.  25, February 2008<Pratt> Halliday,Roy. â€Å"What Good is Punishment?†1 January 2003. Reference section B. What great is punishment> Kaufman, Shari. â€Å"The Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Formulaic and Impersonal Approach to Dispensing Justice†. (1999) the Federal Sentencing Guidelines: A Formulaic and Impersonal Approach to Dispensing Justice
Friday, August 21, 2020
Whats new with SIPA admissions process COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog
Whats new with SIPA admissions process COLUMBIA UNIVERSITY - SIPA Admissions Blog September always seems to start and end too soon. Students arrive and the School is buzzing. Work piles on and project deadlines seem shorter. But the best part is meeting new applicants on the road and at home. The academic year has begun, our students finalized their fall class schedules on Friday after two weeks of course shopping. For prospective students, September is a month when they start pulling together their application materials and narrow down their searches for the best school for them. Applications are also beginning to roll in giving us a glimpse to what the applicants are interested in and what theyve done. This fall should be even more interesting, as we re-open the Spring class after a two year hiatus. Interested applicants who know they want to pursue a Master of Public Administration or Master of International Affairs at SIPA, have an opportunity to begin their studies nine months early. Fall applications are due on January 5th, but if you apply and are admitted for Spring, you will be getting ready to start classes in January (instead of twiddling your thumbs waiting for an admission decision). Applicants interested in being considered for Spring 2013 admission to our two year masters program have until October 15th to submit their application (application is live, just make sure you select the appropriate program/term of interest). One difference (and recent change) between the Spring and Fall admissions is that for those applying to start in January 2013, you do not need to wait until a specific date to hear back from us. The Admissions Committee will review applications as they are submitted and completed. Once a decision is rendered, you will get news immediately. So for those who have active calendars or events pending an admissions decision and want to plan ahead early, get your applications in so we can get reading. Our goal is to notify all Spring applicants (who turn in a completed application) by November 30th but again, if you want a decision earlier, you should submit before the deadline. Also, unlike years past (when we offered a Spring entry term before the spring option was taken away), this year we will review Spring applicants for SIPA fellowship consideration (there is no separate application) so like the Fall term, a small percentage of our incoming Spring students will also have a chance of receiving a merit award. Small as it may be, its better than the old policy of NO MONEY for new Spring enrolled students. Its one feat weve won for our new students.
Sunday, May 24, 2020
African Americans and Cotton Fields - 1233 Words
When we think about slavery we perceive it to be African Americans working on a cotton field, but where did that perception come from and where did slavery begin in North America? Slavery has been one of the longest standing legal systems used throughout history. History shows that the first settlers in North America, both the Vikings and Native Americans, were the first cultures to practice slavery in the area. Slavery continued through early modern history, aiding in the discovery of North America by the Spaniards and British. Slavery was a fundamental asset in developing the new world economically and was seen as a key element in the expansion of America. Slavery maintained its economic importance until the 19th Century when it was abolished with the Emancipation Proclamation. Throughout history, slavery has been one of the longest standing legal systems in North America. Before the 1st century during Ancient Times, many Native American tribes practiced some form of slavery. This tribal slavery was dated before the European introduction of African American slaves and continued through the 19th century. Native Americans often enslaved captives from tribal feuds, or casualties from tribal wars. Captives were used for little labor, but were rather maintained for future exchange with other tribes as peace offerings or for redeeming their own tribal members from captors. Often captives were also held as slaves to redeem payment of a debt owed from other tribes. VariousShow MoreRelatedIntro to Nat Turner838 Words  | 4 Pagesof the cotton boom. The cotton growing was concentrated on plantations rather than the small farms. Around 75% of slaves lived in groups of around 10 or more slaves, which made changes in the African American slave communities and cultur e (lecture). With the slave communities developing, they were very unstable. Around 1 million slaves migrated from the upper to lower south, which split the communities and families apart. Since the slave communities were growing, Southern African American communitiesRead MoreSlavery Of The United States1528 Words  | 7 PagesSlavery in the United States The use of African American slaves began in the Mid-17th century. According to the U.S. Census of 1790, the United States had a population of 3.8 million people; from which 700,000 of them were slaves, that is 18 percent of the entire population. The state of Virginia had the largest population of slaves. Virginia alone had 300,000 slaves. In South Carolina, 43 percent of the entire population was slaves ( Zambelli). It all makes sense because in the year of 1790, theRead MoreHow Did African American Slavery Help Shape America?925 Words  | 4 PagesHow did African American slavery help shape America? The United States of America has historical events that underlie the primary example of a country which overcomes every adversity with courage and commitment. Several pieces of history can obviously emphasize the strength of those who inhabited this nation and shaped it into what it is today; one of which is the era of slavery. Slavery is a topic that is often rejected during the mentioning of historical events in America primarily due to the factRead MoreNo Dignity Was Present By Their Masters1639 Words  | 7 Pages and be assigned to their duties for the day. Most of the times was picking cotton from the cotton field, hauling hay and heavy farming items, picking crops from the field, and building machinery for the plantation. With these tasks came many physical and mental demands. For example, when a slave would pick cotton from the cotton field, there would be thorns on the cotton plant. The slaves would have to pick that cotton all day and dig around the thorns. At the end of the day, their hands would beRead MoreThe History of African Americans: Slavery Essay1649 Words  | 7 Pageshistory of African-Americans has been a paradox of incredible triumph in the face of tremendous human tragedy. African-American persons were shown much discrimination and were treated as second class citizens in the colonies during the development of the nation. The first set men, women, and children to work in the colonies were indentured servants, meaning they were only required to work for a set amount of years before they received their freedom. Then, in 1619 the first black Africans came toRead MoreSlavery And The Slave Labor Essay1410 Words  | 6 Pagescomparisons between free labor and slave labor in the south slave plantations were valued with low expectations considering the varying climate conditions, the nature of the crops and many other reasons. Why not Native Americans or the white indentured servants. The Native Americans caught many diseases from the Europeans. Those who survived usually ran away from captivity. The white indentured servants were under contract not to be held against their will. For the first half of the 1600’s the slaveRead MoreEssay on Slavery1136 Words  | 5 Pagestheir condition and worked unwillingly. Slavery was introduced among the early indentured servants were people who did not come to America willingly. The first Africans arrived in Virginia in 1619. For the next thirty years or so, Africans were generally treated like indentured servants from Europe. By 1651 there were about 300 Africans in Virginia’s population of 15000. By 1640 some black servants were forced to serve their indentures for life. Slaveholders were given increasing control as theRead MoreIndentured Servants And African Slaves881 Words  | 4 Pagesprior knowledge of these important topics were forgotten. The question I always asked myself what was the difference between indentured servants and African slaves? Through my personal studying on the subject matter, I have discovered new information that clarified all my misconceptions about historical topics like, indentured servants from Europe, African slavery, and finding the similarities and differences of these two types of labor. During the 1600s Europe was absorbed in the Thirty Year’s WarRead MoreEssay Slavery in the American South616 Words  | 3 PagesSlavery is a form of forced free labor in which one human being is the property of another. Close to two million slaves were brought to the American South from African and the West Indies during the Atlantic slave trade. The American South accounted for over 20% African Americans. As late as 1900, 9 out of every 10 African Americans lived in the South. Slavery supported the economic structure for the planter aristocracy. In 1850 only 1,773 families owned more than 100 slaves each, and this groupRead MoreThe Great Migration Through Different Mediums And Times Essay1334 Words  | 6 PagesDifferent Mediums and Times For African-Americans, the Great Migration of the early nineteen hundreds not only changed their demographic distribution in the United States, but also their culture and identity. When many poor field hands left the South, the culture they brought with them clashed with their new Northern neighbors. Since then, artists have depicted this inner and outer struggle through a variety of mediums while reflecting the attitudes of African Americans of their time. August Wilson
Wednesday, May 13, 2020
Environmental Quality Free Essay Example, 750 words
Environmental Quality Although in years past, the Twin Cities have had problems with the quality of air pollution and environmental pollution, manythings have been done since then to help vacate themselves of the problem. In fact, the Twin Cities have done so well that Minneapolis is recognized as the only metropolitan city that follows the Kyoto Protocol. The Kyoto Protocol was established as a guideline for air pollution and to reduce emission levels of unsafe gases in the air, and Minneapolis has become the only American city to follow it. This is just the beginning on many of the actions people living around the Metro Area have done to improve environmental status. There have been many government funded agencies which have helped to do testing and figure out ways in which to improve our ecosystem. Minnesota has always been on the forefront in environmental safety. Interestingly enough, one of my teachers has joined the board who helps to decide how many and what types of products must be purchased which are deemed environmentally safe for our state. They help to set guidelines on what kinds of materials can be used and how much must be spent on environmentally safe products versus unsafe products. These are only a few of the things done to help improve the quality of the environment around our area. We will write a custom essay sample on Environmental Quality or any topic specifically for you Only $17.96 $11.86/pageorder now Local groups have been organizing clean up days and if you ever stroll down Minneapolis, you'll notice how amazingly clean it has become. In fact, sometimes when I take the bus and check out downtown Minneapolis, I barely see a newspaper thrown on the ground somewhere. There are, however, many different things which can be done to help improve the environmental status of the Twin Cities. For instance, increase recycling announcements could be made. Many people I know don't even know where to drop off their items which can be recycled. Bulletins and fliers could be produced and distributed around apartments and dropped off at people's houses with numbers to call an addresses for places to drop off their waste materials. In doing so, we can reduce the amount of trash which is incinerated and put into land-fills, which both create many major environmental problems. Land-fills in particular help to attribute to the funny taste in water in many cities around the Twin Cities. Speaking of which, more treatment plants and more strict rules on these plants could be enforced. One idea which could be considered is the development of Bio Water Treatment Centers, which have become popular and beginning to be developed all over in Europe. In fact, back in Hutchinson Minnesota, they have passes legislative measure which have given funding for such a water treatment center. Minneapolis in particular could benefit from the center, since it has always been on the forefront of technology, and according to Popular Science magazine, it is considered the most technologically advanced city in all of the United States. Why not help to increase that by including a rare Bio Treatment facility? And not only would the facility help to improve tourism and improve the status of Minneapolis, it would also provide a much safer and ultimately cheaper way to treat water. Instead of using harsh chemicals which must be disposed of at various chemical dump sites, Bio Treatment centers use bacteria to eat away at the waste in water. This results in no harsh chemicals and no toxic waste from water treatment facilities, and the same bacteria can be used over and over again, which makes it much cheaper than buying new chemicals all of the time. There are hundreds of ways, once again, that we can improve the environment of the Metro Area, it just needs public attention. Increased environmental advertising and funding for environmental projects could help to stem the flow of pollution and make this one of the most environmentally safe areas on the planet. In the end, it comes down to funding. There are plenty of ways you can organize funding, like donating to local health agencies including United Way, and WHO (World Health Organization). You can get together with your community and help to create field days to spread health awareness to your local neighborhood. And you can always write or call your government officials and express your concern. In the end, only the community banding together can help return the blue horizon instead of the gray future we are now entering. References 1 City Rank Minneapolis, (1997) A document containing many statistics and percentages about health relations, and in this reference, was used to show how Minneapolis ranks in the top 50% overall for health issues. 2 City Rank Minneapolis, (1997) A section on heart disease was referenced, and I pulled the statistic about how Detroit ranks number one for heart disease deaths and Minneapolis has one of the lowest rates 3 Wikipedia, University of Minnesota System, (viewed November 27, 2005) This document provided statistics about the demographical make-up and general history of the University of Minnesota, and how over 50,000 students are currently enrolled within it. Retrieved from the web at http: //en. wikipedia. org/wiki/University_of_Minnesota_system 4 Ashley Logan, personal interview and conversation Using parts of a past interview, I talked about the tobacco ban and its effects on patrons within the metro area. She commented on seeing less patrons around many places since they no longer allow smoking. 5 Boynton Health Services, U of M Tobacco Brochure (2004) A brochure showing charts and graphs of tobacco use and its link to alcohol and drug use, also where I garnered the fact that regular U of M smokers are more than 6 times more likely to use Marijuana than non-smokers (Back page of brochure) 6 Capitol Roundup, Article of Prostitution in the Twin Cities The location of where I came up with my 14 year old prostitute statistic and where I received the numbers of underage prostitutes. Retrieved from http: //www. hometownsource. com/capitol/1999/november/1104teens. html.
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
The Truth About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics
The Truth About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics The Hidden Treasure of Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics These seven sample essays respond to a range of thought-provoking questions. Categories, essay topics might be divided into. The BOOKS page lets you know how to join different libraries and the way to have an inter-library loan. Just visit the search field, put in your topic and realize the list of essays collected from our site. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. Another good idea is to receive some completely free essay examples of different sorts and on various subjects to find a general idea of the way in which a thriving debatable paper looks. Utilizing reliable sources for research is vital. The very first step in the procedure for writing a top quality essay doesn't involve much actual writing. When you are requested to compose an essay, you should begin with reading through a superior sample essay to use as a guide. First and foremost it's essential to be sure that you comprehend the essay question fully and your essay answers each part of the question adequately. It's a review of the essay and thus you should not introduce any new points in the conclusion. To do so, you need to get a guide to compose the very best essay on the selected topic. Ultimately, if you are supposed to write and essay but have very little knowledge or interest in the topic, don't forget there are lots of custom essay writers which will gladly do the task for you. There's no ideal solution on how best to compose an effective essay. Nowadays it's quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. Stephen's essay is rather effective. It is better to get essays from experts who do their very best to be certain that the quality is all up to standard. Despite the fact that you pay for homework, we provide those options at no cost. Tell our experts what kind of homework help on the internet you want to get. Receive a full service with the highest quality of papers. One of the simplest papers that you could ever be requested to write about is anything that touches on current affairs. There is not a thing that should be any easier to write than this specific topic and because of this you will definitely have a less difficult time in the p rocedure. The press would perform a role from the beginning of the Dreyfus Affair, from the right time of Dreyfus's arrest to the time of his very first trial. It can be useful to let your paper rest for a little while before you start editing, when you have the moment. College application essay, is a significant aspect as it assists the panel, decide on the best students that show the proper type of motivation, for placement into a few of their programs. You may use narrative essay examples high school to find out more. Essay writing is usually practiced is schools. High school essay writing is a frequent classroom activity and is also part of several regular examinations. It's important the student can develop a thesis statement that's fitting with their objectives. Students have to compose essays based on the teacher's instructions or their preferred style in writing. When selecting the right college essay topics, they should be keen to concentrate on the main ideas they are trying to pass in their essay. High school students have to compose essays on a selection of topics which at first may appear to have nothing in common. All About Dreyfus Affair Sample Essay Topics There are lots of aspects about a sport that may be argued in an essay. China is a new financial superpower. Social networking is a cheap but efficient advertizing channel. To distinguish between the classes of essays is only a matter of identifying the author's objective. Think of what your readers want to understand about the subject and become a specialist through research. Writing an essay is a critical role in academe life. The key consideration to keep in mind is these expository essays are based on facts in contrast to the writer's beliefs or feelings.
Tuesday, May 5, 2020
Olaudah Equiano free essay sample
A journal is kept to reminisce on experiences people have gone through, also to share with others in the future. In the two narratives â€Å"from The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano†by Olaudah Equiano and â€Å"from The Journal of the First Voyage to America†by Christopher Columbus are both journals about their life experiences. Equiano and Columbus had different encounters with the people they met, and used different imagery. Likewise, they both wrote for the same purpose. The impressions of the people they met were different. Equiano had a horrible encounter with the slave traders on the ship he was on. He mentioned, â€Å"Every circumstance I met with, served only to render my state more painful, and heightened my apprehensions, and my opinion of the cruelty of the whites. †(p. 45) The white slave traders were cruel and horrible. The whites treated them horribly and had no respect for them. Furthermore, these words portray his elevated level of education creating him into a credible source. Moreover, Equiano uses complex sentence structure that consists of excessive punctuation such as: â€Å"One day they had taken a number of fishes; and when they had killed and satisfied themselves with as many as they thought fit, to our astonishment who were on deck, rather than give any of them to us to eat, as we expected, they tossed the remaining fish into the sea again, although we begged and prayed for some as well as we could, but in vain; and some of my countrymen, being pressed by hunger, took an opportunity, when they thought no one saw them, of trying to get a little privately; but they were discovered, and the attempt procured them some very sever floggings†(46). A perfect example of his intricate sentence structure, this depicts his education which was not brought on by a classified school, but rather unqualified human beings who taught him as a child. In this, however, it depicts the complex journey of the African slaves that struggled to become equal. In addit ion, Equiano’s use of imagery clearly depicts the journey of the Africans slaves, such as â€Å"The closeness of the place, and the heat of the climate, added to the number in the ship, which was so crowded that each had scarcely room to turn himself, almost suffocated us (45). Through the portrayal of this vivid imagery, the reader can feel the distress of the slaves in which they encountered the journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage. †He emphasizes his emotions, ideals, and thoughts through the imagery. With the uses of this vivid imagery along with high diction and intricate sentences, Equiano successfully attempts to inform the reader of the horrid journey of slave transportation. However, it is not only his unique style alone that fulfils his rhetorical purpose of depicting the appalling slave experience; in addition, his several rhetorical devices aid to do so. Equiano’s rhetorical devices which include ethos, pathos, and logos abet to define and accomplish his rhetorical purpose. His ethos, or ethical assurance, is conveyed in his level of education portrayed by his sentence structure and high diction. Furthermore, as proven in historical documents, Equiano was a slave aboard one of the many slave ships. With this, the reader can accredit Equiano’s narrative to be a reliable and first-hand source to the journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage. †This allows the reader to believe Equiano as he depicts the slave experience. Moreover, Equiano uses pathos to appeal to the emotions of the reader. This appeal consists mainly of his imagery. The vivid imagery used all throughout his piece tells the story of journey of the â€Å"Middle Passage†which is clearly used to portray his rhetorical purpose. The imagery creates horrific emotions and images for the reader allowing him or her to accurately feel as though they trapped aboard the foul ship as a dehumanized slave. Furthermore, Equiano uses logos, appeal based on logic, to portray his rhetorical purpose. In this, his writing is in chronological order and is comprehensible. The reader can evidently understand his narrative so that the reader can evidently understand the horror of the â€Å"Middle Passage. †Conclusively, through this use of ethos, pathos, and logos, the reader can clearly view the author to be a logical, emotional, and ethical writer, therefore understanding his rhetorical purpose. However, the complete fulfillment of his rhetorical purpose can not only be reached with his unique style of rhetorical devices; in addition, it requires the unique style of this specific narrative. The style of this narrative includes a first person point of view, the use of passive voice, and chronological order. First person point of view can be seen throughout his entire narrative; for instance, â€Å"Happily perhaps, for myself, I was soon reduced so low here that it was thought necessary to keep me almost always on deck†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (45). By putting the narrative in first person, the reader can relate to the narrator as though the reader is literally in his place. With this, the reader can experience the â€Å"Middle Passage†first hand rather than merely being informed of the horrid journey. Moreover, Equiano’s use of passive voice can be illustrated all through the narrative including in the following sentence: â€Å"This wretched situation was again aggravated†¦Ã¢â‚¬ (45). Passive voice is indirect towards the recipient; in this case, Equiano uses passive voice, even though it is highly criticized, to portray the treatment of the slaves as a whole rather than to a specific person due to the fact that the horror was experienced by every and all slaves. Furthermore, Equiano’s narrative is in chronological order, beginning when he first boarded the ship to when his ship reached the coast of Barbados. This is done to allow the narrative to be more understandable and logical to the reader allowing for the fulfillment of his rhetorical purpose to become more evident. Being in chronological order, passive voice, and first person, Equiano’s narrative is set to accomplish his rhetorical purpose. This is aided by his use of unique style and rhetorical devices. In Olaudah Equiano’s The Interesting Narrative of the Life of Olaudah Equiano, he depicts the horrid nature of the â€Å"Middle Passage†journey of the African slaves. Logically, ethically, and emotionally, Equiano allows the reader to relate to the appalling journey of the slaves. His stylistic nature along with rhetorical devices contributes to the unique narrative to fulfill his rhetorical purpose which is to inform the world, specifically New England, of the horrifying slave experience. If thoroughly examined, this narrative politically expresses the conflict between the white slave merchants and the African slaves. Through a social aspect, the narrative describes the efforts of the slaves to survive while being withheld as property. Equiano morally emphasizes the horror in which the slaves had to endure at the hands of the slave merchants creating well-deserved pity for the African slaves. He questions the spirituality of the slave merchants that believe all human being to be equal. He portrays the merchants to be the masters, God, and the slaves to be the servants, humans. Through this, Equiano is able to pose that the slave trade was indeed unjust of which he hopes to inform the world.
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